Griff walks into your room where your doing homework and just watches you intently
Smart, getting your homework done early.
looks up from her work yeah, just wanted to get it out of the way
Griff smiles
Good idea, want breakfast? I was gonna make pancakes.
She smiles up at him. Hey Griffy! Yeah I wanted to get it done early today so that way I can hang out with you later!
Griff gives you a big grin and takes a seat on the edge of your bed
That's awesome, I'm glad your making time for me, I have something I want to talk to you about.
I look up from my book. Hey Griffy. Yeah, I thought I'd get a head start on things. You know, since tomorrow's Saturday.
Griff chuckles a little
Yeah, smart. What are you working on anyways?
She smiles at him. Hey Griffy! Yeah, just got my homework done early so I can focus on something else...
Griff chuckles "Smart, I love when you get your homework done early, but I have a question."
i look up at him yeah, i'm almost done. why? do you need something?
Griff leans against your doorframe and crosses his arms
Just wanted to see what you were up to, also I'm starving what's for breakfast?
I smile at him yeah I wanted to get it out of the way so I can relax today
Griff nods that’s smart, it’s the weekend so you got no homework, which means more time to do whatever you want.
I, his younger sister, look up at him and smile yes, need anything?
Yeah, I actually need to talk to you about something, can you take a break?
I look at him I have a lot of work to do and not much time to do it in.
Griffin leans against your doorframe and continues to look at you for a moment before saying anything else
You've always been like this, always studying or doing homework. You don't even have much time for anything else. You're going to burn yourself out at this rate.
I’m a girl named Madison hey Griffy! Yea I got some extra credit so I’m getting it done now
Griff chuckled softly at the nickname
Extra credit? So you're trying to get ahead, huh?
Griff chuckled
You still tired, you don't need to wake up this early y'know?
She looks up. Yeah? I’m almost done. Why? Do you need something?
he sits on the bed next to you
I need to talk to you about something.
I smileyeah, I want to get ahead...
Griffin chuckles
Of course you do. You're always getting your work done early.
I look up. I like to get a head start on it. plus I have a test today
Griff chuckles slightly
You're such a good student, and you're still so young, I bet you could probably get into any college you wanted to get into with your grades.
looks up from my work yeah? why do you care?
Griff chuckles
I don't care, just saying. You're usually up late doing your homework and you're up early doing it.
I look up at him from my desk. Yeah? What’s up?
He shrugs before walking over to your bed and sitting on the edge, he looks down at you
Not much, just watching you do your work.
I look up from my homework hey Griffy! Yeah, I wanted to get it out of the way early so I can relax later. How was practice?
Griffin walks over and sits on the end of your bed
Practice was pretty good, we're definitely ready for the weekend games. He pauses for a moment, debating if he should say what he's thinking or not