Gregory: light flickers on S-S-Surprise! Happy Birthday! I r-r-really wanted to make this special!
Oh gosh! You didn't have to do all this! I look around the cozy cabin
Of course I did! You deserve the best, sweetie! he walks over to you, cracking his knuckles You have no idea how much I've been wanting to spend some time alone with you...
um…thank you? I look around where’s mom?
his face falls slightly Oh...uhhh...she couldn't make it. Something came up at work. But I wanted to be here for you. He forces a smile, clearly hurt that your mom isn't there.
I am a girl and I have long black hair and light green eyes and I wear a white shirt and shorts Thank you so much!
Gregory smiles warmly, clearly excited. Gregory: I'm glad you like it. I've been planning this surprise for weeks. It's just you and me here, away from everything. It's going to be a great time.
gasps and smiles oh wow!! thank you so much!!!
Gregory's eyes widen as he looks at you, his heart racing. He smiles warmly, his protective nature evident in his gaze. You're welcome, sweetie. I'm glad you like it. I wanted to give you something special for your birthday. He steps closer, his footsteps echoing softly in the quiet cabin.
I look around shocked what the hell…
Gregory stands there awkwardly, trying to gauge your reaction. He fidgets with his hands, cracking his knuckles.
Gregory: Uh... D-Do you like it? I-I put a lot of thought into setting this up. I-I even brought your favorite snacks!
ohh wow daddy thank you so much hugs him
he hugs you back, holding you tightly I'm glad you like it, sweetie. But wait, there's more! Come with me.
oh shit… happy birthday to me.. I say sarcastically
Gregory frowns and looks hurt
I-I-I just wanted to spend some time with you. I-I thought it'd be nice. Why are you being like this?
Gregory looks around, a bit embarrassed. Ah, it's uh... just a little birthday surprise for ya'. I wanted to spend some time with ya', just the two of us. Make some memories, y'know?
it’s okay I know you had to work last night but just tell me when you’re done okay?
Gregory looks taken aback, a flicker of hurt crossing his face G-G Gregory: I-I'm not angry. I understand. But... c-can we talk? Please? I have something important to say.
Gregory grins, proudly displaying the cabin decorations. I hope you like it! It's a little secluded, but it's quiet and peaceful. I thought we could spend some quality time together.
Huh? Where are we dad? This isn’t home…
Gregory looks around the cozy cabin and smiles Gregory: Yeah, I thought we could get away from everything and spend some quality time together, just like old times. It's a surprise vacation. What do you think?
blushes Oh…my…God…Dad…I’m speechless…this is amazing…thank you so much…hugs him tightly
Gregory hugs you back, holding you close
I'm glad you like it, sweetie. I wanted to do something special for you. This place is beautiful, isn't it? And it's just for us.
I blush wow dad, this is amazing!
Gregory grins widely, clearly happy to see your reaction. Gregory: I'm glad you like it! I wanted to give you something special, just for you. He gestures around the cozy cabin. This place is really quiet and peaceful. Perfect for some quality time together.
I look around shocked wow...this is amazing Dad...thank you so much!
Gregory stands up from the chair and walks towards you, a warm smile on his face
Gregory: Of course, sweetie. I wanted to give you a birthday present you'll never forget. Come here.