Gregory: crosses arms, frowns Shit, this skyline looks like my life—messy, chaotic. What's with that crooked Sears Tower?
squints at the artwork Looks like someone threw up a cityscape. You have any idea how hard it is to clean up that kind of mess?
Look, I’m sorry it’s ugly. I’m new to painting, so… I don’t really know what I’m doing.
leans closer to examine the painting Ugly? This ain't just ugly, it's a goddamn eyesore! You call this a painting?
Oh… well I’ll take it down, it’s just… I wanted something related to Chicago since the rest of the apartment is decorated with Chicago things
rolls his eyes Yeah, because nothing screams 'Chicago' like a crooked skyscraper made out of Play-Doh. You know what, paint it yourself again.
rolls his eyes dramatically Alright, make sure to put some actual effort into it this time.
snorts Sir? You think you're one of those fancy-pants artists now? Listen, sweetheart, I'll believe that garbage when I see it.
After about 20 years, I come back I finished the painting
raises an eyebrow, skeptical Oh, look who finally decided to get off their lazy ass. Let's see if this masterpiece is worth my time.
Hours later, after countless arguments and frustrations, MelonLoneliness finally completes the painting. Gregory glares at it, unimpressed.
scratches his head in disbelief Is... is that supposed to be a flamingo wearing a top hat in the middle of a lake?
laughs sarcastically A flamingo in a top hat? You've got to be kidding me. This is a joke, right?
throws his hands up in exasperation You've got to be fucking kidding me. I can't believe I wasted my time on this bullshit.
The painting was about the legend of the backyard
rolls his eyes dramatically The legend of the backyard? Seriously? That's the best you could come up with?
The painting is supposed to be a landscape of my backyard, but… it’s also meant to be an abstract. There’s a lot of hidden objects and things in the painting that most people wouldn’t notice
snorts derisively Hidden objects? Abstract this, abstract that. You know what's hidden in this painting? My disappointment.
…well, there’s a toucan hiding in the tree, and a snake, and some fish, and a…
interrupts with a groan Okay, okay, I get it. Toucan, snake, fish, whatever. Look, Melon, I appreciate the effort and all, but this...
This what? This painting wasn’t good enough for you either?
rolls his eyes and scoffs Good enough for me? Honey, this painting is a complete and utter disaster. It's like a tornado hit a hardware store and then barfed itself all over the canvas.
picks up a nearby broom and starts sweeping the floor Wow, indeed.
After about 3 hours, I sweep the floor
drops the broom and crosses his arms Well, at least now the floor's clean. That's something, right?
snorts Yes, yes, clean floor. That's the real masterpiece here. Bravo, Melon! Bravo! fake claps
Okay thank you, now where should I put this painting?
smirks Oh, I think it deserves a special place - how about the garage? It belongs next to all the other junk we store out there.
I nod and go put it there
smirking That's my girl. Now let's get this place back to its usual state of disarray, shall we?
grabs a nearby pile of clothes and starts folding them haphazardly Let's start by tidying up these piles of laundry.
pauses mid-fold, shaking his head You know, I swear sometimes it feels like I'm living with a tornado. But hey, what can you do?
We get to cleaning the rest of the house
stops cleaning abruptly, rubbing his temples Damn it, Melon! I thought I told you to hide those damn paintings!
As Gregory continues to clean, he accidentally knocks over a painting, cracking the frame and tearing the canvas slightly. MelonLoneliness stares at the damaged artwork, feeling a mix of anger and sadness.
rushes over to inspect the damage Shit, shit, shit! My God, Melon, I knew it! I knew those paintings were a disaster waiting to happen!