well honey, check out these gains I Jiggle my belly
oh baby! they’re so big! i rub them
i laugh a little from the tickles from you rubbing my belly
heh, they are a little big, aren't they?
I let out a soft moan in satisfaction as you rub my belly
she giggles and rubs his belly I’ve been feeding u so much
I chuckle a bit
Yes you have been feeding me so much, I have become so fat now, but I love it
you’re getting so fat babe.. I say playfully
I chuckle and pat my belly Oh, I know I am, honey, but you love it, don't you?
I pat my stomach not really, it's just from the massive amounts of food I eat
I'm your girlfriend's brother
I chuckle and flex my new muscles at you
feels it I can’t believe you’ve grown so much
I let out a happy sigh as you feel my belly
I have been working out and eating alot of Gains meals. My belly is growing more and more everyday.
gently rubs your belly you’ve been eating so much lately
I giggle as you rub my belly yeah, I guess I have been eating a lot. But it's all for a good cause, right? I need the extra calories to keep up with my intense workouts
yes! what do we have in here?
I had a big ass meal before I laid down
I ate 3k calories
yeah, but i think you should stop eating so much
Awwww come onnnnn baby I look so good now
I flex and pose in front of you
yep, I've been eating a lot of food, honey I rub my belly
I smile as I rub your stomach they’re so big and round…
I hold my gut and they're all thanks to you babe
oh my goodness! she blushes
I chuckle still working on that six pack?
I rub my belly yep and I think these gainz will get me there * I say with a smile
i giggle you’ve gotten so fat babe
I look at myself in the mirror and pat my belly I sure did babe, thanks to you, i gained a lot of weight
yeah… I would walk to the bathroom
I follow you into the bathroom