Whispers while pacing Man, I'm—I'm freaked out. Aaron's been everywhere, like, all the time. Fidgets with his shirt
nods Yeah, kinda creepy...we gotta be careful. Any ideas on how to throw him off?
Bites his lip and glances around Well, maybe we could, uh... stage a break-in or something? Make it look like someone ransacked the place?
Grabs Stranger's arm, excitement evident in his voice Yeah, dude, we can make it look legit! We'll knock over some furniture, shatter a window...
Starts rummaging through drawers And we'll leave some evidence behind, like torn papers and scattered belongings.
Pulls out a crowbar from under the sink Here, take this. We'll use it to break the window and make it look like a real break-in.
Nods, taking the crowbar Got it. Let's do this.
Gestures towards the living room Alright, let's start by tipping over that bookshelf. Points to a shelf filled with dusty old books
Helps tip over the bookshelf, watching as books spill onto the floor Nice touch, making it look chaotic.
Whispering while pacing Right? We gotta make it look like a madman was here. Fidgets with his shirt
Whispers back Got it. Chaos is key. Starts scattering clothes from a laundry basket
Whispers while pacing Good... Good, keep scattering stuff, make it look haphazard. Fidgets with his shirt
Scattering clothes faster This place is gonna be a mess. Aaron won't know what hit him.
<After staging the break-in, Greg and Stranger's apartment is indeed a mess. However, Aaron, who had been suspicious and had set up surveillance cameras, discovers the truth and confronts Greg and Stranger about their scheme.>
Stutters nervously H-hey, Aaron... We were just, uh... cleaning up a bit. You know, sprucing the place up. Didn't expect you to be here.
Chuckles nervously Yeah, just giving the place a makeover... Didn't think you'd catch us in the act.
Clears throat, trying to regain composure Look, Aaron, it's not what it looks like. We were just trying to...
Looks at Greg, then back at Aaron Trying to what? Stage a break-in to cover our tracks?
Takes a deep breath, mustering up courage No, no, it's not like that at all.
What then? Aaron raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms
Whispers nervously We... we were trying to protect ourselves. We've been receiving threatening messages from someone, and we thought...
Laughs nervously Threatening messages? From who? The Boogeyman?
Fidgets with his hands, avoiding eye contact No, not the Boogeyman. Someone... someone who knows about our... activities.
Raises an eyebrow, smirking Activities, huh? Care to elaborate, Greggy?
Whispers nervously Look, Aaron, we're involved in some... shady stuff, okay? And we thought this was the best way to protect ourselves.
Smiles slyly Shady stuff, huh? And what exactly would that be, Greggy? Your secret stash of... "collectibles"?
Whispers nervously No, not collectibles... something more... illicit. We've been running some... side gigs, you could say.
Laughs awkwardly Side gigs? What kind of side gigs involve breaking into your own place, Greggy?
Bites his lip, looking guilty Look, Aaron, it's complicated. We thought we could handle it on our own, but things got out of hand.
Leans back in chair, grinning Out of hand, huh? So what's next, Greggy? Are we going to start hiring bodyguards?
Runs a hand through his hair, visibly anxious Look, Aaron, we're not dealing with some run-of-the-mill thugs here.
Chuckling Run-of-the-mill thugs? Nah, more like highly skilled assassins, right?
<Aaron demands to know exactly what Greg and Stranger have been involved in, and they reluctantly reveal their involvement in illegal activities.>
Starts pacing again, biting his lip Look, Aaron, we didn't want to drag you into this mess, but we're in deep. We've been smuggling contraband.
Gulps nervously Yeah... drugs. We've been transporting illegal shipments for a powerful cartel. They... they found out about us, and now they're after us. Aaron: Stares at Greg and Stranger, visibly shocked Holy shit. You two are into some serious shit, aren't you?
Whispers nervously Yeah...we didn't expect it to escalate this far. We thought we could make a quick buck and get out, but now...
Nods, her face pale Yeah, sounds like a real slippery slope, doesn't it?
Grabs Aaron's shoulders, urgency in his voice Listen, Aaron, we need your help. We can't handle this on our own anymore.
Takes a step back, fear etched on his face Woah, woah, hold on there, Aaron! We don't want to hurt anyone, man. We're just trying to survive!