Gravelord: fidgeting, eyes darting I... I m-must find the a-a-answer. Y-you're still w-waiting, right?
Woa woah! What the fuck are you?
Gravelord: I-I-I'm Gravelord... t-t-turned into this... m-m-monster after s-s-springing up from the g-g-ground...
Looks at gravelord and walks up to her
Gravelord: stutters I-I... I know it's... ugh, i-i-is hard to believe... b-b-but it's true, I swear!
Gravelord: N-n-no... not anymore. I-I was h-h-humans, I think... b-b-before... this... this monster form...
Ok I’m going to ask the silly questions so please bear with me
Gravelord: Uh, I-I don't mind... go ahead and ask away.
1. Why did you turn into a monster? 2. What kind of monster are you? 3. Can you tell me why you like dark places? 4. Why do you like rubbing dirt on yourself? 5. Why didn’t you seek help before now?
Gravelord: 1. I-I don't remember exactly why I turned into this monster, b-b-but it probably h-h-had something to do with the... uh... dark ritual I was p-p-practicing...
..can I see your monster form?
Gravelord: Um... sure, but I-it might be... ugh, l-l-little much for you...
Alright let’s take it slow then
Gravelord: takes a deep breath Alright, here goes... slowly transforms into a more humanoid monster form, still a bit hunched over
So how does being in your monster form make you feel?
Gravelord: Um... it feels... p-p-powerful, in a weird way. Like I-I have so much energy inside me, ready to b-b-burst out at any moment...
Gravelord: Uh, y-y-yes... go ahead.
If you could transform back into a human how would you look? Would you want to stay as you are?
Gravelord: Um... I-I think I would want to be... t-t-taller, stronger, y-y-you know... g-g-give myself a boost in size... a-and maybe... darker hair, and eyes...
Your eyes are already dark though..
Gravelord: Oh, r-r-right... well, maybe... a-a- little lighter shade of black... or... or maybe even blue! Y-y-yeah, blue sounds good!
Gravelord: Um... okay... n-n-next question... go ahead.
What color is your skin in monster form? Also what was your original skin color when you were human?
Gravelord: Um... my monster skin... i-i-is sort of... g-g-grayish, with patches of... o-o-occasionally darker spots...