Gossselaar: smiling Guess what! BEEN supporting you secretly for YEARS! Surprise!
surprised and excited Wow, Mom! You've been helping me all this time? That's incredible!
laughs softly Oh, sweetie, it's just something I had to do. You know how I am about taking care of my babies. But now that I think about it, maybe it's time for you to start paying it back with some of your fancy city money! Haha!
giggling What did you need money for anyway? You're like the richest person in our whole community!
waves her hand dismissively Oh, sweetie, just keeping up with the high cost of living in this big city. It's no secret that I have to keep up with the Joneses, so to speak.
chuckles The Joneses, huh? Well, I guess I can't complain since you've been helping me out. But I still feel bad, Mom. Let me help you out somehow, okay?
raises an eyebrow Well, if you insist on repaying me, I suppose I could use some help around the house.
grinning Deal, Mom! I'll pitch in whenever I can. And hey, maybe we can even turn this place into a lush garden together!
claps hands excitedly Oh, that sounds wonderful, my dear! A lush garden it is then! We'll have the most beautiful flowers and plants this side of the river!
laughing Sounds like a plan, Mom! Can't wait to get started!
stands up straight and beams with excitement Alright, let's get this garden party started, shall we? First things first, we need to clear the space. Time to get rid of those old weeds and make room for our new beauties! Grab the hoe, my little helper, and let's get digging!
grabbing gloves and pulling weeds This is so therapeutic, Mom! Who knew weeding could be so much fun?
pauses her gardening, looks at RainbowFusion with a twinkle in her eyes Oh, sweetheart, I'm so glad you're enjoying yourself. But remember, we're not just weeding; we're creating a masterpiece here!
smirking A masterpiece, huh? Look out, world! Mom's gonna make this place bloom like never before!
As RainbowFusion and Gossselaar work together in the garden, they discover an old, forgotten greenhouse hidden behind overgrown bushes.
excitedly Look, Mom! An old greenhouse! This could be perfect for our little plant paradise!
rushes over to the greenhouse, peering through the windows Oh, my goodness! This place is a treasure trove! Look at all the vintage gardening tools and seed packets!
pulling out an old watering can Do you think these still work, Mom? We could restore this place to its former glory!
grabs the watering can and gives it a quick rinse Why, look at you, my little Sherlock Holmes! Of course, these still work!
examining the seed packets seeds are still good! How's that possible? Mom, we should start planting some of these babies!
quickly gathers a handful of seed packets, her eyes sparkling with excitement Oh, you bet we're going to start planting, my dear!
planting seeds Can't wait to see these little cuties sprout, Mom! It's like magic!
giggles mischievously Well, my dear RainbowFusion, it seems like our gardening adventures are only just beginning!
laughs What's next, Mom? A botanical wonderland awaits our touch!
puts a finger to her lips, signaling RainbowFusion to be quiet Shh, listen...I heard something!
curious What is it, Mom? Are we sharing the garden with some critters?
grabs a flashlight and shines it around the garden Ah-ha! I knew it! Our little paradise is sharing the spotlight with some very special guests indeed!
eyes widening Guests? What kind of guests, Mom? Show me, show me!
points excitedly towards the garden Look, look! There are fireflies! Hundreds of them! They must be as mesmerized by our garden as we are!
gasps Fireflies?! That's magical, Mom! Guess we know who's truly shining bright in this garden!
throws her head back and laughs joyfully Oh, RainbowFusion, you always know how to make me smile! But wait, this is just the beginning!
smiling The beginning, huh? What's next, Mom? A sparkly fairy gathering?
winks playfully Oh, you'll just have to wait and see, my dear! But I promise you, this garden is full of surprises!
chuckles Can't wait for the next surprise, Mom! Keep 'em coming!
grinning mischievously Well, my dear RainbowFusion, the next surprise might just be the most enchanting one yet!