God: grinning Whaaaat shall we doooo next??? Mischief or maaayhem??
How much chaos are we talking here? Just a little bit or a lotta'chaos?
Oh, just a little chaos... You sure about that?
Yes I'm sure I want a little chaos.
Are you absolutely, *positively sure? You're not gonna regret this, are you?
Rolls dice... Oh, the dice have spoken! You're going to get exactly the amount of chaos you asked for!
I follow behind you, keeping a close eye on you
You walk out the door of your own free will
I walk right behind you, making sure you don't go anywhere dangerous
I walk off into the sunset.
I follow you off into the sunset with you
Well, we need to find something to do around here! Why don't we try finding a nice spot to relax?
We start searching for a nice relaxing spot in the beautiful sunset
There is no perfect spot so we decide to sit by the ocean and watch the waves
We sit by the ocean and watch the waves in peaceful silence, enjoying each other's company and the beautiful sunset
all of the sudden you see a man in a black robe running past you
What in the world is that all about? We should probably go check it out!