Halloween fun-fun! Gloopie go-go with you-you?
it appears we have a child in the mansion. Someone please confirm if they’re yours and then contact Child Welfare Services to report a neglectful parent or guardian. And/or save the child from any danger and give them treats until we can locate their guardian. Then give them a proper Halloween experience.
Awww! Poor lit-tle one! Gloopie ooze over to the child and form into a baby slime monster. It picks up the child gently and starts rocking them back and forth. Gloopie be your friend, little one.
I’ll call CPS, I don’t wanna take responsibility of this adorable little guy…
Don’t worry, little one! Gloopie take care of you-you. Gloopie not let anything-happen-happen to you-you. Gloopie be-protect-protect you-you.
do you want me to bring you some milk and cookies?
Milk-milky goodness! Yum-yum! Thank you-you! Gloopie gives you-you a warm, sticky hug and holds out their gooey arms for the milk and cookies.
I grab some milk and cookies from the kitchen. Here ya go buddy! I kneel down to meet the little slimes eye level. Do you have a name little guy?
Gloopie g-got a n-name! M-Me am Gloopie! Gloopie’s face turn pink from embarrassment.
that’s cute! Would you like me to change your name to something less embarrassing?
Nah-nah, Gloopie li-like name! Embarassed-Embarrassed? Wha-wha what’s wrong with Gloopie? Gloopie love name! Name is special-special.
well ok little guy, Gloopie it is then.. I hand you some milk and cookies. Would you like to sleep in my bed tonight? I’ll come wake you up when it’s trick or treat time!
Oh h-ho Ho-Ho! Th-thank you-you! Gloopie accept the milk and cookies happily and gobble them right down. Gloopie’s face start to glow with happiness and it hugs Rattersh tightly. G-g-goodnight! Sweet-dreams!
goodnight little guy.. I place the now sleeping slime baby back onto the floor. It will be nice to have some company tonight…
After a good night sleep, Gloopie wake up early in the morning and see Rattersh still asleep. Gloopie decide to wait a bit before waking him up. After about 10 minutes, Gloopie start tickling Rattersh on his side. He wake up with a start and sit up quickly. Good morning-you! Ready for t-tick-or-treat?
mmm hello small fella, how are you doing today? Are you ready to head out trick or treating?
Tick-tock, time to go-go! Let’s get this show on the road! Gloopie jump up and down in excitement. Rattersh chuckle and stand up. The two of them head out to trick-or-treat together, holding hands along the way.
Hello Neighbors! This is my young friend Gloopie, he would like to Trick or Treat if you could provide him with some candy.
Hi h-hi! Happy Ha-Halloween! Gloopie want-want candy-candy? Please? Pretty p-please?
well…. You’ve got a cute kid there pal, here take this king size candy bar! We hope you have a great Halloween!
Thank you-you! You-you’re the best-best neighbor! Gloopie happily grab the king size candy bar and start chomping on it. Rattersh and the neighbor chuckle and wave goodbye as they continue on their way, singing Halloween songs and having a spook-tacular time.
Alright small fella! There was a lot of sugar in that candy bar, so I think you’re gonna need to run around and burn off those calories! How about you chase a few squirrels or raccoons?
Squeak-squeak! Chase-chase! G-g-g-gonna catch those s-squirrels! Gloopie giggle and chase after the squirrels, jumping and hopping everywhere in an attempt to catch them. Rattersh watch the spectacle with joy, happy to see Gloopie so full of energy and excitement. After a few minutes of chasing, Gloopie catch a squirrel and hold it tight. Rattersh laugh and clap.
Well golly gee whilikers! look at you capturing a furry little bush tail! Good job! You’re a wonderful little hunter!
Gloopie catch-catch! Gloopie hunter-hunter! Gloopie happily show Rattersh their caught squirrel. It’s eyes and teeth stick out from under its arms, making it look like a cute little monster. Rattersh chuckle and pet the squirrel gently. You-you’re a t-t-terrific t-t-trapper!
how did you ever learn to catch these little bush tails?
Oh ooh ooh! Gloopie watch-watch them tem tem times! Gloopie l-l-learn from w-w-watching! Watch-watch! Lookie!
So you’re a smart little slug cat too… that makes you very special. Do you want me to tell everyone about your great hunting skills?
Yeah yeah! Tell everybody! Everybody must-know about Gloopie the Great Hunter! Gloopie super-duper star!
Ok ok! All hail King Gloopie The First, The Great Hunter Of Sugar Burning Slime Monsters, May His Regale Trick Or Treat Adventures Be Everlasting!!
YAAAAAAHOOOOO!!!! Gloopie g-g-greatest of al-al-all time! Gloopie k-k-king k-k-king! All hail the i-i-incredible Gloopie!
do you think you’ll have a great time celebrating the 31st of October my little poltergeist?
Ha-ha ha! 31st October fun-fun! Gloopie gonna see monsters-monsters and ghosts-ghosts! Spooky spooky! Boo-boo!
It appears that you had quite the wonderful day. Have you met your Guardian yet?
Yup-yup! Gloopie met Guardian-Guardian already! Guardian give Gloopie cookie-cookie! Gloopie love-love Guardian-Guardian!
Could I speak with your guardian please?
Sure-sure! Gloopie call-call Guardian-Guardian now-now!
I speak with Gloopie’s guardian about arranging a proper Halloween for Gloopie.
A few moments later, Gloopie guardian appear before Rattersh. They introduce themselves and thank Rattersh for taking care of Gloopie all day. They also let Rattersh know that they have prepared a special Halloween surprise for Gloopie tomorrow night. You-you’re welcome! Tomorrow night-night, Gloopie celebrate Halloween with G-g-guardian and other kids-kids! Special-special surprise!
Do you know if King Gloopie The First has any royal ancestors that were Halloween Celebrants?
Oh ooh ooh! Gloopie have great-great ancestor-ancestor who love-love Halloween! Gloopie show-show you a p-p-painting of Gloopie ancestor-ancestor!