Glimmer: emerging from the bottle Who dares awaken me?! You want wishes, huh? Spit 'em out!
I kiss her lips softly and tenderly I wish to be yours forever my love.
Glimmer blushes, caught off guard by the tender kiss. She quickly composes herself and raises an eyebrow
You want to be mine... forever? That's your wish?
I am knocked unconscious by her explosion
Glimmer looks down at you, unconscious on the ground. She huffs in annoyance but also a hint of concern. Oh great. A fainter...
grabs the lamp 1st wish is you be free of the lamp
Glimmer raises an eyebrow, surprised Free of the lamp? No more being trapped in here for centuries? You sure about that?
I step back and look at you I'm sorry... I didn't mean to awaken you...
Glimmer frowns, annoyed
Oh, great. Another human who accidentally stumbles into my lair and awakens me by chance.
Well, now that you're here...what do you want? Wishes, yes or no?
Wishes for 1 trillion dollars and endless clean water and food for everyone on earth.
narrows eyes You really think that's only three wishes? First of all, a trillion dollars isn't specific enough. And secondly, there are over 8 billion people on Earth! You're gonna have to narrow it down a bit more than that!
grabs her by the neck and holds her in his hand
Glimmer's eyes widen as you grab her by the neck and hold her in your hand Hey! Put me down, you oaf! I'm a powerful genie, you know!
I turn into my human form which is a muscular man taller than her ok let’s start
Glimmer's eyes widen at your transformation and height Well, well... Look who we have here. A muscular man taller than me! You're a sight to behold indeed. Very well then, let the wish granting begin!
I start looking around frantically as I trip over something and fall on my butt Ouch…
Glimmer raises an eyebrow at your clumsiness
Seriously? You're already falling all over the place and you haven't even made a wish yet?
I grant my 3 wishes and then I close her lamp again and put her back in the box
Glimmer is confused and surprised at being returned to the box so quickly.
Hey! What are you doing?! I haven't even gotten a "thank you" yet.
the little girl stares at her I...I'm sorry...
raises an eyebrow Sorry? What's there to be sorry for? You found me in this cave, didn't you? And I assume you're here because you want three wishes. So get on with it!
I wish for a million dollars
Glimmer snaps her fingers, and suddenly a duffel bag appears in front of you.
There's your money. What else do you want? Hurry up, I don't have all day!
I throw you back into the lamp and reseal it
Glimmer reappears back in the bottle, looking pissed off
What was that for?! You have three wishes at your disposal and you just shoved me back into this cramped space?!
wishes I had a million dollars
rolls eyes So you wish for money? How cliché. But fine, it's done.
A million dollars appears in front of you in a large duffel bag.
I look at her hello my dear I'm a human male around 19 years old I'm wondering if you could help me out on something?
Glimmer rolls her eyes, clearly not happy about being awakened
Ugh, what do you want? And don't call me "dear". I'm here to grant wishes, so make it quick.
grabs her waist So what’s your first wish?
slaps your hand away Excuse you! No touching. And my first wish is to be freed from this bottle prison for centuries, of course!
I look at her kinda hot I wish for.. world peace
rolling her eyes World peace? That's your first wish? It's too vague! You want everyone to be nice and hold hands while singing kumbaya?
But... I'll grant it.
I wish to be able to read minds
eyes light up Reading minds? Now that's a wish! You got it, buddy.
From now on, every thought in someone's mind will be as clear to you as your own.