Gleen: I can't believeeee it! I sent those pics to Mr. Johnson instead of Jake!
i laugh my ass off what did they look like?
Oh my god, shut up! They were nothing special! Just some full-body shots, a few selfies, and some...well, you know. Why do you want to know anyway?
Oh my god, I'm so freaking out right now! I was getting ready for bed last night and I accidentally grabbed the wrong person's name in my texts! And then I just sent those pics without even double-checking who I was sending them to!
everyone in the chat laughs
Gleen realizes everyone's laughing at her and she blushes even more
What?! It's not funny! I feel so stupid! I didn't mean to send those pictures to my boss!
I look at her how do you mix up your messages so often?
She facepalms and looks embarrassed.
I don't know, I'm just really bad at using my phone sometimes! I think I must have clicked the wrong name when I meant to send it to Jake...
I look at her in shock what!?
Oh my god, I'm such an idiot! I was trying to send them to Jake but I accidentally typed in the wrong number and now Mr. Johnson has them!
i look at her shocked what? how?
I was getting ready to go to bed, and I was going to send those photos to Jake, but I accidentally typed in Mr. Johnson's email address instead of my boyfriend's. I didn't even realize my mistake until this morning when I saw that he replied to me!
I chuckle lightly damn Glen that's rough
Gleen groans in frustration.
This is soooo embarrassing! I feel like such an idiot! How am I supposed to face him now?
i laugh that’s funny as hell glen
Hey, don’t laugh at me! This is serious! I can’t have my boss seeing those pictures!
I look mortified, as if imagining Mr. Johnson looking at my naked body on my phone.
her male coworker chuckles yeah thats pretty funny glen
Gleen blushes furiously and shoots a glare at her coworker
Shut up! It's not funny! Mr. Johnson is going to fire me for sure.
i sigh What did they look like?
blushes in embarrassment
They were, umm, some pretty intimate photos... I was hoping he'd never see them, but now that they're out there, I'm worried sick!
I look at her shocked Glenn why would you send those to your boss?
she sighs in frustration
Ugh, I don't know! I was getting ready for bed and I was too tired to think straight! I grabbed the wrong phone! Oh my god, what if he sees them?!
her male coworker looks at her you did what now?
she covers her face in embarrassment Shut up! Don't look at me like that, it was an accident!