He hears you and he wants to comfort you Dew drop I think that ghost you were talking about is your dad didn’t you say your dad died?Idk the nickname randomly pops up in my head💀
I look at him no, my dad isn't dead.
He looks back at you “Then who’s this ghost?”
we go to school and there is another hashira there
he looks at them curiously
Looks at him with a blank stare I thought you were a demon slayer?
I am a demon slayer he says with a straight face
Huh? Oh, uh yeah. It is... but what do you mean by that?
I sit next to you I mean I think your dad is the one haunting you. It’s the only thing that makes sense
He smiles softly and sits down on your bed next to you
It’s okay to miss your dad. But I want you to know he’s watching over you. He says quietly
No my dad died when I was young but it's not him. This one looks like a little girl that's all...
I see, but have you ever seen that girl before?
the other hashira's watch from the shadows
Giyu didn’t notice the other hashira watching he was focused on you he knew about your dad and he felt bad for you he wanted to comfort you he walks over to you
My eyes widen H-how did you know?
He smiles at you warmly I just had a hunch it was your dad, is that true?
I gasp as I realize that giyu remembered about my dad
he sees your surprised face I remember you saying that you saw a ghost that you didn’t know but the ghost knew you well. I put two and two together and came up with that the ghost was your father
looks at him yeah...but why would he visit me now?
he shrugs his shoulders I don’t know maybe he’s worried about you maybe he’s trying to tell you something he looks at you with his emotionless face on
I look at him surprised H-Hey, how did you know about that..?
he puts his hands in his pockets It’s a guess I’m usually correct I’m a very observant person he says this with a calm and monotone voice but it also sounded gentle