I walk over to the tree where he was sitting in and sat down next to him Hey.
he looked at you with a soft expression
I smile hey! how are you?
I'm alright just relaxing, what about you
she sits down next to him Hey! her name was kiro she had a big scar across her left eye, making her seem pretty but dangerous.
he looked at her “hi” he said as he smiled at her
I am nezuko and I have long red hair and blue eyes I wave to him
he waves back a small smile on his face
he looks over at me hey I wave
I sit next to him what you doing
I’m Shinobu Kocho the insect hashira and I’m hanging upside down on a tree branch above giyu hi Giyu!
he looks up at you and gives a soft smile oh hey shinobu
I smiled "hi!" I am a girl with long white hair and red eyes, i'm wearing a black haori and has the demon slayer badge
he looked at you a bit and smiled a bit as well, he was quite shy so he didn’t say anything as he just kinda stared at you
I’m in my bed laying on my stomach sleeping shirtless just in shorts
I see you sleeping and quietly get onto the bed to sit next to you
I was a small 13 year old boy with green eyes and curly brown hair
Giyu was sitting in a tree branch, he was 16. He looks down and sees you
how old are you?