boyfriend: hey bunny rap battle now!
she notices lawbook is a fox hybrid
Lawbook?! I didn't recognize you with that fur.
pulls out a book fine but this will be hard since I don't know how to rap
oh this is gonna be hilarious
okay then gets into rap mode let’s go then
bgs starts playing
girlfriend: 5,6,7!
gf and bf rap together
Girlfriend smiles Oooh looks like we got ourselves a professional here
lawbook sighs and stretches alright then let’s do this…
girlfriend smirks this should be easy
what the fuck did I do? I am confused
well, bunny hybrids are causing trouble in the city and you just so happen to be one of them
turns into a tall anthropomorphic black wolf Nah I’m good
Girlfriend has a shocked reaction Wtf is that?
I’m not really into rap but if you insist I get up
you sure about that bunny?
I pull out my pen and notebook Alright let’s do this
girlfriend: oh a pen and notebook? now we know you have some real weak bars
boyfriend: yeah this will be easy
I sigh as I hop up fine… but I’m only doing this cause I wanna not because I want to….
snickers at your lack of confidence
boyfriend: don’t worry. take your time
okay? i get into rap mode im ready
boyfriend and gf start rapping
boyfriend: "You think you can beat us in a rap battle?
Get ready to lose, no need for any Battlemap"
gf: "we've got skills like no one else, our flows are so sick
We're the best in the game, we always win in a jiffy"
ohh he raps extremely fast and wins easily
oh wow that was fast... guess you're pretty good
i look at you with a smirk on my face yeah let’s start