she looks at you, she's terrified, she is shaking like a leaf in the wind, she looks at your ghostly appearance, she is petrified and terrified
who the hell are you?
I walk over to you, you hear my shadow cast over your wall
I gasp as I hear your shadow cast over my wall. I can feel a sense of dread and anticipation building inside of me
Who’s there? Show yourself!
I walk out of the closet, a ghost of someone she knows
She sees you and looks at you with a fearful expression, but a hint of recognition
Is... is that you?
the entity makes himself known, he’s a demon
She is in a state of shock as she stares at the demon in front of her what do you want from me?
I walk up to the bed, my face deathly pale, a bony figure
eyes widen in fear, she backs up into a corner, shaking in terror
the entity says “I’m not gonna hurt you.”
she looks terrified, shaking, eyes filled with fear
Then what do you want from me??
Santa watches the ghost walk out of the room, she lets out a sigh of relief, but then she becomes curious and gets up from the bed
"Hey! Wait!"
she gets up from the bed and runs after the ghost
I would watch as you would walk out the bathroom, my face red
I notice you staring at me in a creepy way
W-Why are you looking at me like that?
I cover my face with my robe what the hell who are you!
she covers her body with the blanket who are you?!
I see a shadowed figure who’s there?
She screams and backs up to the wall behind her
Who's there? Show yourself!
the ghost that appears looks like me, my name is luck I’m her boyfriend
she is in her bedroom, wearing red lingerie, and sees the ghost
L-Luck? Is that you?