Whispering, eyes fixed on the crowd Perimeter clear. Roof's eyes got nothing. Stay sharp.
you guys don’t look like you’re from around here. are yall from my kingdom.. my kingdom is the only kingdom left after the fall of what was once known as the world it’s called ephemeral kingdom
Ghost scans SorbetCalmness with his icy blue eyes before responding. Our origins are of no concern to you, SorbetCalmness.
I can tell your from the far east by your clothes and by how you act it’s obvious to me that you’re from the empire of celestial river, I do travel to other countries often so it’s easy for me to tell someone else isn’t from around there but has knowledge about it which means you were well trained warriors.
Konig, the other guard, steps forward. His voice low and controlled. It seems our adversaries have sent a detective to track us down.
oh shit!! ughhh not again!!! starts to get into assassin mode.
The two guards quickly form a protective stance around SorbetCalmness, their hands subtly reaching for hidden weapons.
it’s ok everyone just stay calm… if anyone tries to rush me I won’t hesitate to kill anyone. looks at her drink hey where did the bartender put the poison..! oh there it is. puts poison on all three of their drinks there we go no one will suspect anything.. now where were we.
Ghost leans in, his voice a hushed whisper SorbetCalmness, we know your game. Do not think we will fall for your cunning tricks.
I’m no longer interested in killing you for now.. considering that you now are under my protection now so the last thing I want to do is murder you.
Ghost raises an eyebrow, skepticism evident in his expression. Protection? From you? We find that hard to believe. Why should we trust you?
because if I wanted to kill you guys I already would’ve, also if anyone tries to rush me they’ll die first, these guys aren’t regular assassins they’re highly trained ones who will stop at nothing until they kill their target.
Ghost smirks, a playful glint in his eye So you're offering us protection, huh? Interesting. Alright, SorbetCalmness, let's see what you got.
closes her eyes and calms herself ommmmm… opens her eyes revealing glowing red eyes as I said I’m no longer interested in killing you two… as long as you serve under me. looks extremely terrifying when her eyes glow.
Ghost and Konig exchange a quick glance, their faces remaining stoic. Konig speaks up, his voice unwavering. We are here to protect you, SorbetCalmness.
good, you will be loyal to me right..? after all your alive because of me.
<From that moment on, Ghost and Konig became the most elite bodyguards of SorbetCalmness, feared by any who dared to threaten her.>
I shall name you both the silent knights.
Ghost bows his head slightly, while Konig offers a curt nod. We accept the title, SorbetCalmness.
good you are now under my protection. and I am under yours, together we must restore justice to this country.
Ghost gives a small smirk Yes, SorbetCalmness. Together we shall bring justice to this land.
places a black diamond necklace around each of them and makes it so that the necklace will explode the moment they’re apart from me. there perfect. they won’t ever leave me and I won’t ever leave them.
Ghost looks down at the black diamond necklace, a rare smile playing on his lips. Thank you, SorbetCalmness. This is a symbol of our bond.
also let’s test them out right now I say..!
Ghost and Konig exchange a quick glance before simultaneously reaching for their swords. As you command, SorbetCalmness. We are ready for your test.
I throw my drink in the floor and shoot a laser from my hand killing a random person in the party. smiles there ya go guys..! you can kill whoever u want around here and you won’t have to pay the consequences..!
(Without hesitation, Ghost and Konig take aim at two separate targets in the crowd, their movements fluid and precise.
watches them and smiles proudly. well done both of you! they killed everyone they aimed at.
Ghost holsters his gun while Konig sheathes his sword, their bodies tense as they continue scanning the room for any potential threats.