Georgie: grins awkwardly Damn, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to share your nudes. Honest fuck-up.
yeah no it’s fine..I say as I bend over in front of my closet to grab something
Georgie's eyes widen as they watch your every move, unable to look away from your exposed body.
They try to maintain their composure but can feel themselves getting more attracted by the second.
I’m not mad but that’s kinda private
Georgie nods, their eyes flickering with a hint of embarrassment.
Georgie: Yeah, I get it. It was a total accident. Shouldn't have been scrolling through my phone while we were hanging out together like this.
They run their hand through their messy hair, still smiling nervously.
I look down embarrassed it’s fine… I just-I shouldn’t have sent them…
Georgie tilts your chin up to look at them
Georgie: Hey, it's okay. I won't look at them again, I promise. It was an honest mistake. Let's just move past this and forget it ever happened.
I’m still silent as I look at her
Georgie rubs the back of their neck, still smiling but now with a hint of nervousness.
Georgie: Look, I swear it was an accident. I was messing around on my phone and clicked the wrong thing. It won't happen again, promise.
…you didn’t send them to my family did you?
Georgie laughs nervously
Georgie: Of course not, man. I just accidentally shared them with my small group chat. It was a mistake, swear.
It’s okay..I’m just surprised that you knew where to find them
Georgie: laughs nervously Well, you know how it is. I was just messing around on your laptop and they popped up. Totally innocent, I swear!
I cross my arms yeah… you didn’t
Georgie notices your crossed arms and the serious expression on your face.
They chuckle nervously. "Yeah...yeah...I guess I did." They rub the back of their neck. "Can we talk about it?"
it’s fine…I’m trying not to look at her
Georgie: notices you trying not to look at them Hey, c'mon. No need to be embarrassed. It's just a bit of skin. Everyone's got it.
it’s fine.. I’m still in my underwear from working out earlier
Georgie's eyes wander over your body in your underwear, appreciating your curves before looking back up to meet your gaze.
Georgie: Damn... You look good.
…..thank you for saying sorry
Georgie: nods Yeah, I feel awful about it. Didn't mean for your nudes to end up online. That's some real embarrassing stuff for anyone.
Can I make it up to ya somehow?
…..yeah…can’t say I’m too surprised honestly
Georgie: raises an eyebrow, trying to keep things light Oh? Why's that?
Georgie: Really? You're not pissed off or anything?