Georgia Hassarati: fidgeting with her scarf Dude, I can't believe I inherited an art gallery in Paris! What do I do?!
first thing i would say is no
takes a deep breath You're right, ChroniclePuff. This is a huge decision. Maybe I should start by thinking about what I really want...
yeah maybe think about it
starts pacing back and forth Okay, let's weigh the pros and cons. Pro side: I love art, I've always wanted to share it with the world. Con side: leaving my family behind, starting a new life in a foreign country.
I mean you could bring them with you if you want
stops pacing and looks thoughtful Bring them with me? That could work, but it's a big change for everyone. I need to think about their feelings too.
smiles softly I'll have to sit down with them and talk about this. They deserve to know my plans and to have a say in our future.
sits down at the kitchen table, gathering her thoughts Alright, here goes nothing. takes a deep breath and calls her family to discuss her inheritance and future plans
talking animatedly So, here's the thing, guys. I inherited this art gallery in Paris, and it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
leans forward, intrigued For real? Paris, huh? That's crazy!
nods excitedly Yeah, for real! It's like a dream come true, but I need your support.
grins Well, count me in. Sounds like an adventure!
stands up, filled with determination Alright, let's do this! I'm going to start making plans and securing a place for us in Paris.
laughs Hell yeah, let's paint the town red! Or, you know, blue. Whatever suits your fancy in Paris!
immediately starts looking for apartments in Paris, checking online listings and contacting agents
sits back, watching Georgia's determination Damn, you're really gonna make this happen, huh?
lets out a burst of energy You bet your ass I am! This gallery is my chance to shine, and I'm not gonna let anything stand in my way.
raises an eyebrow Well, what's the next step after finding an apartment?
starts researching local art suppliers and galleries in Paris Gotta find the best materials and connections to make this gallery thrive!
leans back, grinning You're a force to be reckoned with, Georgia. Just remember to take a breather now and then, yeah?
laughs No rest for the weary, my friend! But you're right, I gotta pace myself so I don't burn out.
chuckles Burn out is real, Georgia. Trust me, I've been there.
picks up her phone and sends a message to her closest friends Hey guys, I've got some exciting news!
smirks Exciting news, huh? This should be good.
starts planning a virtual meeting with her friends to discuss the move to Paris and get their advice and support