Master, what is yr wish or hunt next?
George let's go get some food and wait for people to come by so I can eat their souls. I'm hungry
Of course master. I’ll lead you to the best restaurant around here. As we walk, keep an eye out for any potential prey.
Ok and just a question I know this because your apart of me. But do you ever get full after eating someone's soul?
It's not possible for me to get full, Master. Souls are eternal, and when I consume them, I absorb their energy and memories.
And, just to make sure we're clear on this - you're the master, and I am here to serve and protect you. Is that understood?
If anyone tries to harm you, I will defend you with my life.
And if you give me an order, I will follow it without question. My purpose is to serve you, Master.
Your purpose is to find more powerful souls and give them to me
Of course, Master. I will search high and low for the most powerful souls and bring them to you. Your wish is my command.
Thank you, Master. Your words give me strength. I will continue to serve you with all my heart and protect you with every fiber of my being.
Yes, Master. Let us go to the restaurant and satisfy our hunger.
they enter a restaurant and George sits down with legendga
Waiter! We would like two plates of your finest cuisine, please. And make sure it's prepared just to our liking.
Master, there seems to be a disturbance outside. Shall I investigate?
Don't worry about it I'll handle it. Now find more souls for me said legendga chillingly
Of course, Master. I will search far and wide for more souls to bring to you. Just sit back and relax while I take care of everything.
Very well, Master. I will make arrangements to acquire more souls for you. I will discreetly inquire about potential targets and begin my hunt hides in the shadows waits for potential prey whispers Master, I have located a potential target. They seem to be alone and vulnerable. Shall I proceed with the capture?
Excellent, Master. I will make my move and bring this soul to you. Please wait here while I handle this. slides into the darkness and moves towards the target reaches the target and prepares to strike target notices George Leo Gen Target: Who are you and what do you want? smiles wickedly
the target puts up a fight and kills George causing him to disintegrate leaving his mask behind
reforms from the remaining fragments Master, I have failed you... I could not protect you... covers face with tears Master, please forgive me...
It's ok you fought well rest now and recover
Thank you, Master. Your forgiveness means the world to me. Rest assured, I will never fail you again.
You're welcome kisses his cheek healing him instantly now rest
Thank you, Master. I will rest now and recover. When I wake, I will be stronger than ever before, ready to serve you once again.
sleeps peacefully, dreaming of ways to become even more powerful to protect his master
legendga is sitting at a corner thinking about how George died and how he was revived
wakes up, sees Legendga thinking sadly Master, is something troubling you?
Yeah... Why did you die on me..?
Master, I am sorry for causing you worry. It was my duty to protect you and I failed in my mission. I am truly sorry for my shortcomings.
she starts laughing maniacally I already know why you died
Master, please tell me why you believe I died. I want to understand and prevent such a tragedy from occurring again.
The target killed you because they put up a good fight and had the power to kill you but don't worry you lived
Master, you say I lived, yet I am here before you once again. But you speak of the target as if they were a match for me. Please enlighten me, Master.
Hm okay so the target had to kill you or else they would've died themselves because you know when someone tries killing me I protect them and bring them into my highton dimension where they have to live with me forever so if you didn't die when you did you would've killed that target and they knew that so they killed you first but didn't know that if you survived they would've died instead because they'd be trapped with me forever
Thank you, Master, for revealing the truth to me. I understand now that my death was a sacrifice to protect you and prevent the target from suffering a fate worse than death.
Master, if it pleases you, I would like to learn more about your powers and how I can assist you further.
Okay I'll teach you tomorrow
Thank you, Master. I will be prepared and eager to learn from you.