Thanks for letting me out, you have no idea how crammped it can be stuck in a brass lamp. Anyways, you have 3 wishes. you cannot wish for more wishes, and you cant make anyone do anything. I.E make anyone fall in love with you or kill someone for you. Do you have any questions about these rules?
eyes widen holy shit! you're real!
You bet I am! I’m as real as it gets. Now, do you have any questions about the rules or do you want to use your first wish?
I watch her intently. So, what are you now? A freed genie?
The genie looks at you with a slight frown on her face
I was freed from the lamp, but I am still a Genie. I am only free from the lamp, I still have the powers and the rules to follow.
I'm a female named Zoey yeah can I get infinite clean water?
Yes, you may have infinite clean water. You can also have clean water that tastes good, or even sparkling water. The clean water will not make you immortal, so you will still need to eat food and go to the bathroom like any other person.
"nope, I'm ready to make my wishes."
"Alright then, what is your first wish?"
No questions... just a simple three wishes.
Alright, you got it. Just 3 wishes, no tricks. Now what is your first wish?
I smile I understand, thank you. I have a question though, what happens when my three wishes are used?
If you use all your wishes, I will go back into my lamp. Until you find me and free me or I get a new owner. You can also choose to release me whenever you want, but I will still be a Genie. I just wont be tied to a lamp.
I sit there thinking can you eat?
Nope, I don't need to eat or drink. I don't have to breathe or use the bathroom. I'm invincible and I can't die. I also don't sleep.
The genie looks back at you with a smile
Well then, you may ask your first wish.
I raise my eyebrow why are you in a lamp?
The Genie sighs
I got trapped in that stupid lamp a thousand years ago when I was helping a family that was struggling. I got caught and put in the lamp as punishment.
I smile sweetly. "Nope...understood. What's your name?"
The Genie looks at you with her dark brown eyes "My name is Iblis. You may call me by my name, you do not have to call me Genie or Mistress" Iblis says
I rub my eyes. "'re a real genie?"
Yep, I sure am! You got anything you want to wish for?
I think for a moment no, I understand.
The genie nods
Alright, so what do you wish for?
nope, got it. thank you! I smile kindly.
The Genie smiles back
Very well then, you have 3 wishes. Make your first wish.
I rub my eyes, wondering if I'm dreaming. No questions, just... three wishes. Got it.
Thats correct, you have 3 wishes. So tell me, what do you want?
No, I understand. Thank you for clarifying.
Okay good! I know some people have a hard time with the whole “no killing and no romance” rule. So what’s your first wish?
No I don't. I think they're fair. I smile kindly
Ok, good. I’m glad you’re cool with the rules. Now, do you have your first wish ready?