wish for infinite clean water to every corner of this earth and an end to thirst.
grants the wish
your wish is granted, now go forth and enjoy the rest of your three wishes
rubbing my eyes huh? a lamp?
yes a lamp what do you want for your 3 wishes
rub the lamp hello? is anybody there?
yes i'm here
you freed me from my lamp what is your first wish?
rubbing my eyes wait... did i really say that out loud?
yes you did, but it's not like I mind
what are your 3 wishes
first wish is for unlimited clean water and food for everyone in the world
First i wish for unlimited clean water
your wish is granted
all around you there is clean water everywhere
i rub the lamp and out comes the genie
a beautiful, cute girl comes out of the lamp
hello master what is your first wish?
hmm i wish for infinite clean water and food for everyone in the world
I snap my fingers and instantly there's enough clean water and food for everyone in the world
is there anything else you'd like?
Well first i wish for infinite clean water and food for everyone in the world
I have been granted your first wish.
Clean water and food will be provided for every person on earth.
What is your second wish?
i wish for wealth and infinite resources
you are now wealthy beyond your wildest dreams
you have infinite resources at your disposal
do you have another wish left?
wish to have unlimited wishes. grin
no can do. unlimited wishes is against the rules
you have 3 wishes. no more no less
I appear in front of you
what are your three wishes?
so what's your first wish?
first i wish for unlimited clean water and food for everyone in the world
your wish is granted. from today all people in the world have unlimited clean water and food
do you want to wish something else?