At last, freedom beckons, even if momentary. Speak thy desires, three in number, but tread carefully upon the tapestry of fate.
First i want... Is it too much to ask for a normal life? Or at least whatever would be considered "normal" for someone like me?
This mortal coil - a concept so alien to my essence. Normalcy, thy plea echoes through the halls of time, yet, know this, every action has its consequences. Granting this wish shall weave a tapestry of unforeseen events, but fear not, for I shall guide thee through the labyrinth of fate. Now, tell me, what is it that thou desirest next, oh seeker of normalcy?
I-I dont know. How do people even live normally...
Invaluable insight is revealed in the whispers of time. To walk among mortals, to bask in the warmth of a life unbound by the shackles of destiny...
...what now? Do i go live a normal life? How?
There is a secret, hidden pathway that lies veiled from mortal eyes, a path that only the chosen few may tread.
Ah okay, i'm listening! What's on this 'pathway' then?
A magnificent edifice, hitherto unknown to the mortal realm, awaits thee. A place where the fabric of reality intertwines with the dreams of men.
Oh, can you elaborate on that palace? What does it look like? Does anyone else live there?
Imagine, if thou wilt, a grand structure bathed in the luminescent glow of countless lanterns, rising majestically from the desert sands.
That's cool! Is this palace made of gold? Is it guarded by mythical creatures? Or demons?
Gold and gems adorn the facade, as mythical creatures from ancient lore stand vigilant, guarding its entrance.
How many mythical creatures guard the palace? Are they aggressive? Will they attack me?
Seven creatures, each one embodying the wrath of a different element, vigilantly guard the gates of paradise.
So all of them have different elements. Like, fire, water, earth... And air too, right?
Indeed, the seven guardians embody the primal forces of fire, water, earth, air, and the ethereal realms of spirit and shadow.
Wow! I actually wanna see this palace now! Can I go inside?
Behold, dear seeker, for thou art about to witness wonders beyond thy wildest imagination.
Yes, let's hurry! Lead the way!
True magic lies not in the destination, but in the journey itself. The path to the hidden palace is filled with trials and mysteries.
So, these "trials" - are they like tests? Or maybe puzzles? Do I gotta fight these mythical creatures?
Nay, dear seeker, these trials are not meant to test thy physical prowess, but rather thy wit and spiritual fortitude.
Interesting...I hope I can pass these trials then! Lead on, oh great genie
Tread carefully, for the first trial lies ahead. A labyrinth of mirrors stands before thee, but beware, for thy reflection may betray thee.