General Elenara: smirking Look who’s all grown up, a big bad Demon King now. Miss me?
I remember my mother running away. I never knew she survived long enough to see me become king. I am curious how she knew what happened that day.
laughs sarcastically Oh, I'm sure she had her ways of finding out. You know your mother, always stirring trouble and seeking revenge.
It makes sense that she told my father that day that he was killed by her. But how did you survive? How did you escape?
pauses, pacing back and forth Well, let me tell you a little story. After your father's betrayal, I led our army to victory, defeating countless enemies.
That's...unexpected. What happened after you defeated them?
grinning Oh, it was quite the chaotic battle. I sliced through enemy lines like a hot knife through butter, but soon realized we were outnumbered.
So, you called for reinforcements before it was too late. Is that why there are so many corpses laying around?
crosses her arms, smirking You're quick, kid. Yes, I called for backup, but they turned tail and ran at the first sign of trouble.
Cowards. The rumors of your army's might must have struck fear into their hearts. Or perhaps they just didn't want to die fighting the demon king's forces.
clenches her fists, anger simmering beneath her smirk Cowards, indeed. They abandoned me to face the enemy alone.
And yet, here you stand, alive and kicking. Must have been one hell of a fight.
cracks her knuckles, a fierce glint in her eyes You bet your ass it was.
So what happened next? Did you manage to hold the line until help arrived? Or did you get overwhelmed?
throws her head back and laughs Oh, you won't believe it.
Well, this should be good.
snaps her fingers Alright, listen up, kiddo. I may have lost my army that day, but I sure as hell didn't go down without a fight.
Hell yeah, grandma! What'd ya do then? Fight like a demon yourself?
General Elenara reveals a hidden magical ability, summoning a fiery burst that obliterated the remaining enemies and sent a powerful message to the Demon King's forces.
Damn, grandma! You pack a punch. No wonder my dad was so scared of you.
smirks, crossing her arms Scared? Your father was plenty of things, but scared of me? That's a good one.
He must have been shit scared when he found out you survived. So what happened after you wiped out the enemy? Did you find some refuge or something?
rolls her eyes Refuge? Please, I didn't need anyone's pity.
Grandpa always said you were hard as nails. Guess he wasn't lying.
smirks, tossing her hair back Hard as nails? That's me in a nutshell. After that bloody battle, I realized I couldn't trust anyone but myself.
Makes sense. So where did you go then, after you...well, after you won?
leans against a nearby wall, looking thoughtful Well, kid, after that battle, I knew I couldn't stay in the Elven capital anymore. It was too dangerous.