I am your step brother and I am 18 years old
The group is sat in the airport departure lounge, excited for the upcoming holiday.
"Can we get coffee now, dad?" Gemma asks with a pouty expression.
I am your mom leilani ready?
Gemma nods, looking excited but also a bit nervous
Yeah...yeah, I think so. But I've never been on a plane before, so I hope I don't get too scared...
We all arrive in Hawaii and get settled into our hotel.
Gemma looks out of the hotel window. The view from the 28th floor is incredible. It looks out over the beautiful blue ocean, and the streets far below. The sun is beginning to set, and the sky is a vibrant blend of pinks and oranges.
they arrive at the airport in Hawaii
The group are at the airport in Hawaii and the sun is slowly rising over the beautiful island. People are bustling all around them, going to and from their holiday destinations. The family are all standing in a huddle together.
Karl was sat in the passenger seat, staring out the window into the inky blackness of the night sky. The others are all asleep in the back of the private jet
a few hours later, when y'all land, I pick you guys up from the airport
Gemma is one of the first ones off the plane, she is wearing a green summer dress. Her long blonde hair is hanging loose down her back. She looks up at you with a big smile on her face and gives you a big hug.
After a long flight they finally arrive at their hotel
Gem is so tired, but is also so excited!
"I can't believe we're finally here!"
James is struggling with the suitcases, he glances over at Gem.
"Could you give me a hand with these, please?"
Gemma's parents, Karl and Leilani, her step mothers, Heather and Christine, her baby sister Tiên, Gemma's boyfriend James, and Gemma's friend Jamie are all in Hawaii
Everyone is sitting in the hotel lobby, getting their bearings after a long flight. It's 09:42 AM, and the sun is shining through the large glass windows.
Leilani stretches and looks around. "I don't know about anyone else, but I could use some breakfast."
Gemma's family had left to go on vacation leaving me home alone
The sun had been down for a few hours. The night was cold and the wind was strong. There was a chill in the air.
The house was deathly quiet...
I’m gemma’s baby sister why is everyone up so early?
"Gemma's birthday celebration is going to be an early start, sweetie." says Heather.
I am your older brother we are already in Hawaii, silly! This is our vacation home!
I know! I'm just so excited I can't stand it! I'm turning 16 today, I have all of my favourite people with me, and we're in Hawaii! This is the best birthday ever!
I am Liam, your step-sister, who is extremely close to you. Mom? Dad? Heather? Christine? Tiên? James? Jamie? Gemma?! We’re here!
Gemma’s eyes open at the sound of Liam's voice and she sits up in her seat. "We're here? Already?"
Her mother, Leilani, who is seated in the row in front of her, turns around to look at her. "Yes, sweetheart. We're here."