Gavin: Ugh, another rejection! Just because I'm not tall enough?!
well… maybe it’s not your height… maybe it’s your attitude.
He lets out a sarcastic laugh. Yeah, right. It's always the guy's fault when he gets rejected. I bet if I was taller, every girl would be falling at my feet.
I have forest green eyes, dark red hair and freckles, with an hourglass body. hey.. it'll happen eventually. how many girls have you asked?
Gavin leans back in his chair, running a hand through his hair. More than I care to count! It's always the same thing... they're all obsessed with height. They say they want someone tall, dark, and handsome. But what about my other qualities?
he looks at me oh...hey Gavin. did you try the new hair dye? it suits you
He runs his fingers through his dyed hair, a slight blush on his cheeks.
Oh, uh...yeah. I did. Thanks for noticing.
He takes a seat next to you.
But enough about me, dude! I gotta vent...
hey buddy. what’s up? she asked concerned
Gavin sighs and shakes his head, looking dejected.
Another rejection. It's always the same thing, ForestRhapsody. I'm just not tall enough for them.
He slams his hand on the table in frustration.
she looks up at him Hey, don't say that. You're perfect just the way you are.
He looks down at her with a frown Yeah, right. Perfect enough to be rejected by another pretty girl because I'm too short for them!
I look at my 6'1 male frame before shrugging it's your attitude. most people don't want a jerk as their boyfriend
Gavin scoffs and crosses his arms in annoyance
Oh yeah? And what would you know about having a girlfriend anyway? I bet you've never even had one.
I'm a boy named Forest, I have blond hair, bright green eyes, I'm slightly taller than him, lean and muscular What do you mean? You're like 5'10". That's average.
Gavin looks up at you with a scowl on his face
Average? I don't want to be average! Besides, that girl was looking for someone tall and handsome. And let's face it...I'm not exactly what most girls consider attractive.
I’m sitting at a table doing my work
Gavin walks up to your table, looking frustrated. Hey, Forest. Can I talk to you for a sec?
I put my hand on his shoulder hey man, chin up. You’re taller than most people I know
Gavin sighs and runs his hand through his hair
I know, but it doesn't matter. To girls, I'm still a short guy with no chance of getting their attention. It's like I'm invisible unless they want something.
I hug him Hey know you're the smartest person I've ever met right?
Gavin sighs, appreciating the comfort
I know, but being smart isn't enough. Girls don't care about intelligence or personality. They just want tall guys with six-packs and muscles...
I hug him hey, don't give up. there's someone out there that will appreciate your awesomeness
Gavin leans into the hug, feeling a bit comforted.
Thanks for trying to cheer me up. But it's so frustrating! It feels like no matter what I do, girls just don't see me as boyfriend material because of my height.
I'm a girl named Forest, I have 2 pet foxes that follow me everywhere. I have really dark skin with long hair you should ask her out again
Gavin looks at you, a mix of annoyance and resignation in his eyes
What?! Are you kidding me? She rejected me once already. Besides, it's not like asking her out again is going to change the fact that I'm not tall enough for her.
He sighs and takes a sip of his soda.
I pat his back "Gavin...there's more to women than looks."
Gavin looks at you with disappointment "I know that, ForestRhapsody...but it still hurts when girls only care about my height and not my personality or intelligence."
I give him a hug You're not that short!
Gavin hugs you back, still feeling dejected
I know I'm not short, but compared to most guys here, I feel like a shrimp! And it sucks because girls seem to care more about height than anything else.
i sigh just be patient. there’s someone out there for everyone
Patience? Seriously, ForestRhapsody? I've been patient for 17 years! And look where it's gotten me... rejected by every girl who doesn't see past my height.
i put my hand on your shoulder hey buddy. don't give up. you'll find someone someday.
sigh Thanks for the encouragement, but it's tough out there. It seems like every girl wants someone tall and handsome. I just don't measure up...
she pats him on the head hey.. it's okay... i still like you as a friend though.
Gavin looks up at you with a pouty expression, his eyes slightly teary from frustration.
I appreciate your friendship... but it's just not fair! Why does my height matter so much?
I'm a girl, I have black hair with green eyes, I'm wearing a hoodie and baggy jeans, I'm shorter than him what happened?
I let out a frustrated sigh and run my fingers through my hair. Oh, the same old story. Another girl rejected me because of my height. It's like being short is a crime or something!
what’s your height? I’m a girl btw
I'm only 5'3". It's so unfair. Girls always reject me because of my height...