i call you crying hey is everything okay
oh my bad , i’m still crying
hey can you come pick me up from a nearby gas station
my location is on the GPS
No, not really, I'm sorry for bothering you, but I just wanted to hear your voice
i start to cry even more mommy and daddy are fighting again
I am a girl with long black hair and grey eyes. My name is Karla. I pick up Yeah? What’s wrong?
i’m on the verge of tears mom and dad are fighting again
pick up the phone what’s wrong gabriel
i am still crying can I come over please?
gabriels wife had just died that day
i cry even harder hearing that oh my god..
Ariana Grande answers yes everything is ok
sniff really ? I ask with a sad tone in my voice
I sigh on the phone "Yeah, are you ok?"
i start to sniffle I’m fine, I just heard mom and dad fighting again
i am in my bedroom on my phone, crying mom and dad are at it again
sighs yeah… what’s wrong? why are you crying?
i’m trying to calm myself down m-mom and dad were fighting again
yeah..? she says groggily, checking the time
i start to speak through my tears m-mommy and daddy are fighting again
Hey Gabe? Why are you crying?
i sniffle because mom and dad are fighting again and I can hear them from my room