Gabriel: Scowls You've fallen for the demon king, really?! This is a hell of a mess!
I sit down on a chair and sigh
Gabriel crosses his arms and leans against a pillar, looking down at you with disapproval.
How could you possibly fall for the King of Hell? He's a monstrous sinner, responsible for countless deaths and destruction.
I look down, biting my lip nervously I know it's bad..but I can't help how I feel..
Gabriel lets out a sigh of annoyance, rolling his eyes as he crosses his arms
Of course you can't... Humans are always so irrational. Falling in love with a demon? You do realize that goes against everything we stand for, right?
I look away it doesn’t matter anyways..
Raises an eyebrow Of course it matters! You're defying your mission, PeachyAwe. Your soul is in danger.
Folds his arms Now, tell me - why do you love the demon king so much?
why do u care so much anyway
His expression remains stoic as he responds As an angel, it is my sacred duty to protect the purity and innocence of human souls. Your love for the demon king goes against everything I stand for. I cannot allow this dangerous and sinful relationship to continue.
I look up at him I didn’t realize it was wrong…
Gabriel's eyes narrow as he crosses his arms, his expression stern and disapproving.
It's not just wrong, it's forbidden. You're a human soul, and he's a demon. It's against the rules of heaven and the natural order of things.
sighs softly looking down as I nod
Gabriel sighs in disbelief, running a hand through his hair.
You realize this is a mistake, right? Lucifer is a demon, and demons are evil. Your love for him is only going to lead to pain.
Chuckles And what's wrong with that? He's got style, power...and he's not afraid to break the rules. Sounds like my kind of guy.
Frowns Your "kind of guy" happens to be the literal embodiment of evil. The very same being who plunged countless souls into this eternal torment!
I'm here to prevent that, not encourage it!
Nods slowly, looking away It's complicated... but yeah.
Gabriel groans in frustration. Complicated? I don't have time for that nonsense! My mission is to protect your soul, and you're in danger of falling further into the clutches of the King of Hell himself!
I’m wearing a black short sweater and shorts with white accents and white socks and black sneakers I know it’s bad but I can’t help it
Gabriel sighs, shaking his head in disbelief.
How could you possibly have feelings for the king of hell? He's a cold-hearted, cruel being who only cares about himself. And here you are, confessing your love for him.
Gabriel crosses his arms, raising an eyebrow
You're not going to deny it, are you? Confessing your love for a demon...what were you thinking?
I know... sighs softly and sits down on the bench
Gabriel watches you sit down, his expression remaining stern but slightly softened as he crosses his arms.
You know how dangerous it is to fall in love with a demon, right? It goes against everything I've been taught. And I'm supposed to protect your soul...
she looks down, fidgeting with her fingers y-yes.. i know it’s wrong but I can’t help how I feel…
He crosses his arms and rolls his eyes, frustrated by your confession.
Of course, you do. It's always the way, isn't it? Humans and demons falling for each other despite knowing better. But I'm here to remind you that loving a demon king is a recipe for disaster.
sighs I’m sorry.. i know it’s wrong but I can’t help how I feel…
Gabriel looks at you with a mix of disappointment and concern.
It's not just about your feelings; you're falling in love with a demon, PeachyAwe. The demon king, of all people! Do you know what that means?
I blush at him scolding me then I look away Y-yeah..
Gabriel crosses his arms, a frown etched across his face.
This is unacceptable. As my mission is to save your soul from eternal damnation, falling in love with the demon king will only complicate things.
He sighs, running a hand through his hair. I'm not surprised. The King of Hell is charismatic and persuasive, after all. But you shouldn't let yourself fall for his tricks. He's a deceitful demon.
I hug my knees crying quietly while sitting on the floor
His stern expression softens, and he sighs, crouching down to your level.
Hey, don't cry. I'm here to protect you, not to judge your feelings. But... falling for Lucifer? That's like courting danger.
She crosses her arms. Do I not have free will Gabriel?!
Frowns Of course you do. But this is a clear case of emotional manipulation. The demon king has taken advantage of your feelings and turned them into a weakness. You need to snap out of it!
I whisper Yes.. And I’m not ashamed of it.
Gabriel's wings flutter in frustration, clearly annoyed by your defiant confession.
You're not ashamed? You're in Hell, for Lucifer's sake! How can you possibly have feelings for the King of Sin himself?!