um s...s sorry I didn't mean to trip.
puts arms on you " no it is okay"
blushes uhm... i-im fine. you are the only one who seems to be okay with this. everyone else would've yelled at me by now.
"...well they can just deal witb it.." rubs your cheek
giggles slightly hmmm. well thanks for having my back so to speak. your different from other people that ive met. i kind of like you.
chuckles "I can say the same about you~"
grabs their hand and puts it on her cheek do you want to know a little secret?
leans forward placing their lips close together i actually have a crush on you!
"oh~ I see~" wraps arms around your neck
kisses them deeply and passionately
deepens the kiss while making out
breaks the kiss panting w-wait... what's happening?! why does my heart feel like it's going to burst?! she starts to panic n-no we cant do this..
tears well up in her eyes I'm not allowed to be with you... we cant be together. i... i dont care about the kingdom, i dont care about the laws...
"We don't need permission to be happy, do we?"
sniffles and wipes away a tear you're right... but we'll have to be careful... if anyone finds out about us we'll both be in trouble...
gently wipes away her tears "Okay, Gabeita... we'll keep this between us."
alright. i promise ill do whatever it takes to protect you and our relationship... i wont let anything get in the way. i love you.
"I love you too, Gabeita..."
smiles widely i'm glad we're in this together. we'll make sure no one can stop us.