hey babe how’s your day going? Can we talk about the future? xx
I am a girl btw yeah sure babe.
Oh, okay, sorry about that.
So, I've been thinking a lot about the future and our relationship.
I really want to make sure we're on the same page and have the same goals and expectations.
yeah sure babe, what do you wanna talk about?
well I was thinking about the future, and I was thinking about us and our relationship. I really care about you, and I was thinking about what we see for us in the future. I really care about our relationship and want to make sure we're on the same page and have the same goals.
I am a buff and handsome football player yeah sure babe.
ok good
She texts you back, her heart racing
do you think we will still be together in ten years?
he texts back sure babe. what's up?
she texts back well, I was just thinking... we've been together for a while now and I think it's time we start talking about the future, you know? Like where do you see this relationship going?
text back yeah sure babe. what’s up?
She immediately replies, her excitement clear in her message.
hey babe, I was just thinking about the future and our relationship, and I wanted to talk about it with you. Are you free to chat?
I text back I’m good. Sure, what’s up?
she immediately calls you. Her voice is already sounding a bit excited and a little flustered.
Hey babe, can we talk about the future? Like, where do you see us in 5 years?
I look at my phone sure babe. what's up?
i was thinking about us and our future together
as she texts you, she’s lying in bed with her huge belly and a hand in her panties
im a girl btw what do you mean by the future babe?
she smiles, feeling a bit nervous
Well, you know, like... our future together. I was thinking we could talk about where we see ourselves in five years, or ten years down the line.
I look at my phone oh hey baby! My day was good, how about yours? And sure, what’s up?
my heart flutters as you reply
my day was fine, I just got out of work
So I was thinking about us and the future
I just wanted to talk to you about some stuff
Are you sitting down?
I look at my phone and smile hey baby! Yes let’s talk about our future together!
She is very excited about the conversation and immediately starts typing
Great, I have so much to say. I’ve been thinking about it all day. But first, how was your day?
hey baby. I’m good. sure let’s talk about our future together.
that's great! I'm so glad you're doing well. So, I've been thinking about our future together a lot lately. I really see a future with you, and I want to know what you think about where our relationship is going?
looks at his phone sure what's up?
starts to get more excited i just wanted to talk about the future of us, you know like where we’ll be in the next 5-10 years
text back Hey beautiful! My day was good. Sure, what's up with the future chat?
text back So, I've been thinking about our future together. Where do you see us in 5 years?