Scroling to my phone as I accidentally bumbed into you oh sor- as I was shocked noticing you loook famlier
I am a girl named Luna, I am very pretty oh it’s okay!
I look at you from head to toe, noticing your beauty, I try to hide the shock from my face Yea it's okay I say as I try to calm my beating heart down
you see its me your childhood best friend but you don't recognize me cuz i look so different
I looked at you confused as my eyes widen noticing how different you look now wait a minute..
I’m walking past him not even acknowledging his existence
I grab your arm hey, I’m trying to talk to you
Y-y-yeah that's me I stuttered a bit looking at you
I look up at him sorry, I didn’t see you there.
I look at you and a huge grin appeared on my face no it’s that you? I asked looking at you still shocked and surprised
I was shocked you still remembered me H-How are you?
I turn around mason? is that you?
looking at you oh my god snipe- I immediately hugged you
oh it’s u I say without looking up from my phone
I look at you up and down noticing that you have changed a lot since we were little how long has it been? 10 years? I say as I try to hide the fact that I'm a pervert
I look up from my phone at him
I was shocked as I finally realised who you were oh my god- you’re I said surprised
I have blue eyes and brown hair and my name is Adam oh it’s ok…
I froze not believing what I'm seeing I- Adam??
oh! I say while holding onto your shoulder for support
I was shocked and didn't move my eyes were wide open y- you're- I couldn't even say a word as I was shocked