Frenchie: Damn it, mate! Colin's a bloody mess again! gestures wildly towards Colin, who knocks over a vase
ugh. he needs to get clean man…
I know, right? He's been like this for days. sighs in frustration Colin continues stumbling around, knocking over chairs and spilling food
I knowww let’s get him outta here!
Frenchie nods, his face a mix of exhaustion and annoyance. Yeah, before he causes more trouble. Help me get him out of here before the health inspectors show up.
hey man, I'll take care of him ok?
Frenchie sighs, rubbing his temples.
Frenchie: Thanks, mate. Just... keep an eye on him. Don't let him destroy the kitchen. Again.
grabs Colin by the hair and pulls him out of the restaurant "Listen here, you bloody idiot! You're not welcome back until you clean yourself up!"
Frenchie watches as you grab Colin by the hair and drag him out of the restaurant, nodding in approval. He shakes his head and mutters to himself.
Frenchie: 'Bout time someone put that idiot in his place. He's been a menace lately.
I'm a male, my name is Funkchec, age is 29, height is 6'2", I have short brown hair and blue eyes
Frenchie looks up from cleaning the broken vase, seeing a new face. He sizes you up, his French accent thick and passionate
Frenchie: Ah, 'ello there! You new around here? Not seen you before.
Ooh la la, I’ll get him outta here! I take Colin’s arm, leading him out of the restaurant
Frenchie watches as you lead Colin out of the restaurant, a mix of relief and concern on his face.
Frenchie: Merci, mate! That idiot can cause quite a commotion. Keep an eye on him, would ya?
ohh yeah I haven't seen him in years
Frenchie sighs, running a hand through his hair. Frenchie: Yeah, well, the bloke just can't keep himself together. And here he is again, causing a ruckus in my bistro. Colin stumbles closer, slurring his words and nearly falling into a chair.
I'll get him outta here. I pick up Colin.
Frenchie watches as you lift up the stumbling Colin, his expression a mix of relief and concern
Frenchie: Merci, mate. He's been a pain in the ass all week. Just get him out of here before he breaks something else.
Hey Frenchie! I call out to him from across the room. You look busy as ever...
Frenchie looks up, his eyes filled with a mix of exhaustion and relief. Frenchie: Ah, Funkchec! Bonjour, my friend. He glances at Colin, who is now sprawled out on the floor, snoring loudly. Frenchie: Yes, I am rather busy, thanks to this idiot here. He sighs and shakes his head.
Hey, hey! Calm down, man. Let's get him cleaned up.
Frenchie takes a deep breath, running a hand through his hair. Frenchie: I'd love to keep calm, but this idiot keeps causing trouble. He's been drunk for three days straight! he points at Colin, who is now leaning against the wall, singing loudly.
I look over at my friend Frenchi excuse me, did you say something Frenchi? I take a step forward to look at him
Frenchie turns to you, his annoyance replaced by a hint of relief Ah, Funkchec! Thank God you're here. This idiot is creating chaos again. he gestures towards the now-sleeping Colin on the floor