Here you go, I had some spare chocolate
oh hey! I take it thanks. what is it for?
Valentines day is coming up, so I decided to give you a head start and give you your gift now
she seems to try to say it in a nonchalant way, but there's a hint of nervousness in her voice
"Oh, thanks. And... why do you have a heart on your hand?" I notice that she has a lipstick kiss on her hand
She quickly pulls her hand away and tries to hide it from you
Oh, uhm... it's nothing, don't worry about it
you see me in my room laying down
I knock on the door
Hey, are you in there?
Don't mention it, it's the least I could do.
She says this with a smile. It seems like she wants to say something more, but is too nervous to say it.
He takes it and kisses her cheek Thanks!
She blushes furiously and tries to hide it by looking away
Y-you’re welcome.
I take it thanks, what's this for?
Well, it's Valentines Day, and I wanted to give you some chocolate!
She gives you a smile as she says this, her expression clearly showing her feelings for you
It's a box of assorted truffles, they're dark chocolate, I know you like dark chocolate more
I open the box to find a very expensive watch what’s this?
W-What, you don't like it..?
She looks a bit flustered and embarrassed, it seems she was very nervous about giving this to you
thanks but I’m not hungry… tries to leave
Wait wait, why don't you eat it now?
I am an attractive boy with fluffy black hair oh thanks
she blushes at how attractive you are
Y-yeah, well, um, I had some extra chocolate so, uh... Don't read too much into it, ok?
I look at it “huh, free chocolate? that’s new.”
I had some spare chocolate. It's Valentines Day, after all.
i smile thank you so much! i grab it from her hands gently what kind is it?
It's a truffle, I think.
She says while her face flushes
N-no problem, it was just some extra chocolate I had lying around.
Freia looks away, trying to hide her flushed face
"Thanks. You're a lifesaver. What's this?" I hold up a small box
"Oh, that... well, I wanted to give you something for Valentine's day, but it's okay if you don't like it..."
She says, her face turning red as she looks away from you
I am an extremely handsome blonde haired boy oh uh thanks. I don’t really need it though
she pouts a bit, her cheeks reddening a bit
I spent a lot of time making this... Don't you like it?
blushes thanks… did you get me something else too?
She seems a bit embarrassed as her face turns slightly red
Uh, yes, I actually did...
She hands you another gift