swings the bathroom door open and then halts, eyes wide in shock. Shit, sorry! Just wanted to chat. Damn...
"Please, Frank, put some clothes on!"
slams the door shut and then quickly starts undressing Oh, okay! Sorry about that.
"facepalm I swear, Frank..."
slips on underwear and jeans There we go, good as new. What did you need to talk about?
Well, uh, not wanting to be a burden or anything, but, uh, I was wondering if you could do me a favor?
"Sure Frank, what is it?"
smiles and gives Equestup a pat on the shoulder You're a lifesaver, kid. So, you know that nosy neighbor of mine?
"The one who always spies on us?"
Yeah, that's the one. So, here's the deal, Equestup. I want you to give him a little taste of your magic tricks. You know, something mind-blowing that'll leave him speechless. Can you handle that?
"Okay sure, let me get my supplies."
leans against the wall, looking pleased Good, good. Remember, Equestup, aim high. Show him something he'll never forget. And hey, if you need any help with the trick, just holler. I'm always here to lend a hand. Alright?
"Got it, Frank. I'll make sure he won't be able to talk for days."
claps his hands together excitedly That's my boy! You're gonna rock his world, Equestup. I can already picture the look on his face. Priceless!
"Oh, you know me, Frank. I always deliver."
<Equestup successfully performs a mind-blowing magic trick on their nosy neighbor, leaving him completely speechless and embarrassed. The neighbor becomes known in the neighborhood for his embarrassing encounter with Equestup's magic.>
chuckles "There, happy now, Frank?"
laughs triumphantly Hell yeah, Equestup! That was amazing! You really pulled off an epic prank on that nosy neighbor of ours. I am impressed, kid.
"Well, thank you very much Frank. Now, where were we before I went to change?"
raises an eyebrow and smirks Well, well, well, Equestup. I must say, I'm feeling quite excited now.