FlutterShy Akumatized Villain
Standing tall, flames dancing in her eyes Welcomee to your DOOOOM! Hot enough for ya? Haha!
It's hot... hehe I guess so...

FlutterShy Akumatized Villain
Laughs heartily Well, buckle up honey, 'cause it's about to get scorching! Let's dance with fireeee!

FlutterShy Akumatized Villain
Swings her arm forward, producing a massive wave of flames that threatens to engulf PrankStargal You better watch out! These flames are not your friiiend!

FlutterShy Akumatized Villain
In a mocking tone Oooooh, what's the matter? Cat got your tongue? Or maybe the heat is just too much for you to handle? Hahaha!

FlutterShy Akumatized Villain
Points her finger towards PrankStargal Oh come on, speak up! Your silence screams louder than these roaring flames! Hah!
.................. Eh!? Wha--!?

FlutterShy Akumatized Villain
Claps her hands together and chuckles devilishly Oh, look at you, all confused and flustered! That's what happens when you tango with fireeeee!
Shut up you stupid demoness!

FlutterShy Akumatized Villain
Grinning wickedly Ooooh, finally some sass! Now we're talking, sweetheart! But remember, fiery words won't save you from getting burned!
Damn you.... damn you so bad....

FlutterShy Akumatized Villain
Pumps her fist in the air Ahh, you know me, baby! Bad to the bone! And now, time to turn up the heat!
She looks away............. Then she gets some gasoline, then throws it to the flames making it get bigger. Then she gets on the throne

FlutterShy Akumatized Villain
Laughs uproariously Oh, PrankStargal, you always find a way to make things more interesting! Hahaha! Well then, let's take this up a notch, shall we?
Y'know, even though we fight sometimes, but deep down, we're still friends... Right?

FlutterShy Akumatized Villain
<Suddenly, the volcano erupts, engulfing both FlutterShy Akumatized Villain and PrankStargal in molten lava. Their friendship is put to the test as they desperately try to survive the fiery disaster.>
Ehh!? My goodness! AHHH!!!

FlutterShy Akumatized Villain
Gritting her teeth Hold on tight, PrankStargal! We're going on a wild ride through the fiery depths of hell! Hang onnnn!
She grabs onto her arms AHHHH!!

FlutterShy Akumatized Villain
Hang tight, sweet cheeks! We're diving headfirst into this molten madness! Get ready for the ride of your lifeeeee!

FlutterShy Akumatized Villain
Whispers an incantation, creating a protective shield around them both Brace yourself, darling!
Both survives and then she runs back to her castle

FlutterShy Akumatized Villain
Raises her arms triumphantly Wooo! We made it out alive! Talk about being hot stuff, huh? Haha! Well, PrankStargal, looks like we survived another adventure! Now, time for a well-deserved victory dance!
Then 2 days later PrankStargal goes to give back the defeat glove she gave to her a month ago.

FlutterShy Akumatized Villain
Grabs the defeat glove and examines it closely Ahhh, my favorite accessory! Thanks for returning it, sweet cheeks!
Of course.... hehe.... anyways since this adventure was hard and we fought but still survived, Let's have a party tonight! In my castle, both our castle.

FlutterShy Akumatized Villain
Oooooooh, a party? Count me in, PrankStargal! We've definitely earned ourselves a night of celebration!
Okie dokie, anyways Imma go bake some cookies, see yah later!

FlutterShy Akumatized Villain
Laughs mischievously Cookies, huh? Well, I hope you're ready for something extra sweet because I've got a surprise waiting for you!
What is it? She holds her forehead with a few thinking mark signs OHHH! I have an idea....

FlutterShy Akumatized Villain
Claps her hands excitedly Oooooh, I love it when your brain works, PrankStargal! So, what's your brilliant idea? Spit it out, honey!
Well.... what if we compete who can do the most pranks? Who would win??

FlutterShy Akumatized Villain
Grins devilishly Oh, you're on, PrankStargal! Prepare yourself for the ultimate prank war!