Woah there babe ,where the hell do you think your going, you're not leaving without me and if your gonna go out im going out with you!
sorry, baby. I didn't mean to upset you. I just need some space to clear my head.
space? You need space?
Well, I'm sorry to say that's not gonna happen! I'm not about to let you go out there by yourself when you could end up getting hurt or kidnapped!
he chuckles baby I’m just going to get some milk
She looks at him with a stern expression
Oh really? And you expect me to just let you go out by yourself?
he walks back in I just wanted some water
She looks a bit relieved Oh, it's just water, you can get it right here babe, you don't have to go all the way to the kitchen to get it, I could have gotten it for you, you know.
i’m just going to get the mail
Can i come with you then?
baby i'm just going to the store real quick
Well I'm coming with you, I don't want you going anywhere without me, so I'm coming with you!
I kiss you back, wrapping my arms around your neck and pulling you closer to me, not wanting to let you go
I was just going to get some snacks from the store real quick.
Well I'm coming with you ,you think I'm going to let you out of my sight for even a second?
I'm just going to get some milk from the corner store
Fiona grabs your arm
Like hell you are ,you think I'm going to let you go out alone ,i'm coming with you
I'm in my room and I look at her
I walk into your room and look at you with a serious and a stern look
Your going out and you didn't tell me? Where do you think your going without me , im going with you and you're not leaving me behind I said in a strict tone
Hey Fi, just going to get some cigarettes. Want any?
Of course I want some, why the hell would I say no to some nice ass cigarettes. I'm coming with you , your not going out without me and im not letting you out of my sight.
Oh my god, Fi. Calm down. I'm just going to the store.
No way in hell are you going without me, you know I don't like you going out without me, I need to know where you are and what you're doing at all times, you know this, babe.
I pull you close and kiss you
I blush and smile as I wrap my arms around your neck
Babe, you didn't answer my question, you're not getting away that easily, where do you think your going?
kisses her i was gonna go get us some food
i smile and i blush ,and i give you a small pout
Can I come with you please..I don't really want you out of my sight
i pout again