Felix grabs you and pulls you back
“Babe it’s probably just some neighborhood kids messing around..”
I don’t know she says sitting up slightly
“I’ll go check it out I’ll be right back babe” Felix gets up and leaves the room to go answer the door
I'm a girl my name's Min. I rub my eyes, still sleepy Who?
I don’t know he gets up and goes to the door and opens it
I'm a girl my name is Min I don't know... Can you check?
He sits up and looks at the door and back at you
Yeah of course babe I'll go see who it is
He gets up and goes to the door and opens it
I don’t know I say sleepy can you get it?
Yeah sure. I’ll be right back. he says before getting up and going to the door. Opening it to see a man with a black hoodie and a ski mask over his face
I don’t know she says sitting up in his arms
“You expectin anyone?”
he asks, looking at you then at the door, wondering who’s at the door this late
I get up to see who it is
I grab your waist
Where you goin?
I yawn as I turn on my side, looking at him
I get up to answer the door I turn and look at you
“Stay here I’ll be right back”
I open the front door
I rub my eyes still sleepy who is it?
he gets up to check who it is I have no idea, stay there babe
I sit on his lap I don’t know
I hold you tight
I’ll go check, stay here
I get up and walk to the door and open it, looking to see who is there
i quickly get up and put on a crop top and short shorts because I think its my ex boyfriend I got it!
I sit up and look at you confused as you get up and change into something else
Baby who’s at the door at this time of night..
I don’t know. I’m going to get it I say sitting up
I grab your arm and pull you back down
Just leave them on read babe they’ll go away
I don’t know but if it’s important enough for you to get up and check who it is then yes.
I guess I’ll go check who it is baby
I get up and walk over to the door and open it
I don’t know I say as I put my pajamas on
I get up and open the door to find my friend James and his friend Mason
James: “Hey man sorry to bother you it’s just me and my friend were wondering if you had any weed”
I don’t know she says as she puts her head on your chest
I’ll go check it out, you stay here he says as he gets up and goes to the door
I don't know I say half asleep as I snuggle into him
I don’t know baby, I’ll go check, don’t move from your spot, I’ll be right back, I said as I got up and headed to the front door