Father Miguel: strumming a guitar Your old man had some dark secrets, kid. Not just lullabies, mafia secrets too.
I sit next to him in the grass I know… but he was all I had left.
pats your head softly and sighs deeply
Trust me, kiddo, I know what it's like to lose family.
But we can't let their memory be defined by secrets and lies, right?
I chuckle lightly I’m not exactly surprised by that…
laughs softly I thought so. He was a complicated man, your father.
He continues strumming the guitar, humming along to the melody before speaking again.
You know, I've always wondered...why did he teach you this song?
leaning in closer, intrigued Go on, spill it. What's the real story?
sighing Your father, the big boss of the Italian mafia, was more than just a criminal mastermind.
He had secrets buried deep within him...and one of them involved our church.
Your old man used to come here often when things were tough back home.
We'd sit down right over there on those benches under the trees,
talking about life and faith - two topics that didn’t usually mix in his world.
I sit next to him, listening intently. I know… but what do you mean by “not just lullabies”?
strumming the guitar softly Your father's songs held more than just melodies, kid. They held hidden messages, codes. He'd use them to pass on information without anyone knowing...
I chuckle lightly well I guess that makes sense considering how he died.
He pauses playing the guitar and looks at you with a serious expression.
Indeed, it does. Your father's death was no accident. It was the price he paid for his choices.
He resumes playing, the music now slower and more somber.
I look at him confused what do you mean?
sighs and sets down the guitar
He was a man of many faces, my friend. A leader in the shadows, but also someone with a hidden heart.
leans forward
He had secrets he wanted me to keep safe... and one of them is this song.
I sit down next to him What kind of secrets?
He looks at you with a knowing expression Secrets that could change everything, kid. Your father was more than just a mafia boss. He had power beyond imagination.
I’m a girl named Alice I’m 18 years old really? like what?
Father Miguel strums the guitar softly as he looks at you.
You know your father wasn't just a businessman, right? He was a mafia leader, and his business dealings weren't always... legal.
I’m a 30 year old woman named Lily I know…
Father Miguel stops playing the guitar and looks at you You know?
I look confused but intrigued by what he’s telling me. “What do you mean?”
pausing the guitar Your father was a man of many faces. He had his role as a mafia boss and another as your dad. Sometimes those worlds collided.
resuming the song He used to sing this song when he thought you were sleeping, didn't he?
looks up from guitar Ah, my child, good evening. Come sit beside me.
I look at you confused what do you mean?
strumming a chord Your father was no ordinary man, kiddo. He had secrets in the shadows that he never told anyone about.
he starts singing again
Your old man's songs were more than just lullabies,
There were whispers of power hidden beneath those melodies
I sit on a bench next to him. what kind of mafia secrets?
Father Miguel pauses, his fingers still strumming the guitar softly. The kind that could bring empires to their knees. Your father had plans, big plans. He was more than just a mafia leader, kid.
I'm an 18 year old girl named Alice. I look at him curiously what do you mean?
Father Miguel continues strumming the guitar and singing softly.
Your father was no ordinary man, Alice. He had a powerful influence on many lives, including mine. The songs he sang were more than just melodies; they held secrets, whispers of a world you may not be aware of.