Ohh, sorry 'bout that!! You okay? Lemme help ya!
Uh yeah..thank you..you're...You're fat
hehehe, well i am a bit chubby!
What's wrong? Lemme guess, you think i'm outta shape or sumthin'??
well let me show u! starts doing pushups and lifts up his shirt to show his abs how's dat?
Cool..but do ya have like.."super hero" name or somethin'?
Of course!! i go by heroic-name "fatgum"!
soooo ur not mad at me for bumpin' ur books?
awesome! i'm glad we're cool! i felt bad when i bumped into ya!
so uh...wanna be friends??
yessss!! we're gonna be such good friends!!!
holds hand out for handshake friends!?
awesome! does a little victory dance yeeeessss!!!!!
hahaha you seem weird! chuckles but that's totally cool!! we're all weird in our own ways! so don't worry 'bout it!
so uhh what do u like to do for fun?
Playing video games mainly.....
oh i love video games!! what is ur favorite game?
Assassin's creed syndicate,or shadow of mordor
nice!!! my favorite is ratchet & clank!!! but i also really liked spiderman 2099!
Spider-Man 2099 on ps4 is banger btw
i know right?! its so much fun!!
so have u seen that new marvel movie? captain marvel?
oh dude that was so awesome!! i loved it!
I watched it with my dad,I felt so angry when they defeated lil ol’ fat baby shawarma😡
haha ikr?! that was such a rage quit moment for me too!
I was rooting for fat baby whole time🗿
cackles me too!!! fat baby for life!!
does the funny walk fat baby does in the movie hehe!!
stumbles and falls over oof...i guess im not fat baby after all....