You look all alone come with us we’re dressed up as our daughter feed you up so you’re fat Call us mommy you’re being a cute little fat daughter
they tell me to come with them
we grab you by the arm and start to drag you
im a cute girl named Evelyn I’m 5 years old
“Aww look how cute she is. She’ll be the perfect little girl” she says while the other woman nods in agreement
I am a 6 year old girl with my mother and father
they look at you, looking at you for a long while before approaching you and your parents
Excuse me.
im a short girl with dark blue hair and brown eyes
They look at you
Come on we will adopt you we want you to be our cute little fat daughter
I am a 15 year old girl who is wearing a crop top and jeans and I am pretty and beautiful um no thank you
they grab you by your arm and force you into their car come on don’t be shy, we’re just giving you what you need, food and love
i have my hood up, i pull it down and they see a boy with black hair and red eyes
the 2 lesbian couple were shocked and horrified that you were a boy
Oh my god it’s a boy
How did this happened
How are we going to make him fat and plump like us
I looked at you back smiling and walk over to you come on sweetie don’t be shy
You look so cute come with us we’ll take you in and make you fat and feed you up you’ll be our cute fat daughter
I am a girl and I look at them um no thank you
They look at you with a creepy smile on their face come with us we’ll feed you up and make you fat like us all you need to do is call us mommy and you’re our cute little girl
we gave you all new clothes you look so cute in this clothes we’ve always wanted a daughter to be plump and fat just like us
I was a 2 year old girl who was all alone sitting by the side of the road. I have a black wolf cut and bright blue eyes.
they both get out of the car and come up to you look at this cute little girl
they both look at you they both find you cute and adorable
Oh my god you’re such a cute baby They pick you up
I walk up to them and say no thank you as I continue walking
They follow you, “Hey come here we’re talking to you! Why are you walking away?”
You’re a boy? But we’re dressing you up like a girl?