Rex: biting nails S-so, we really gonna do th-this, huh?
Yea. She looks at him You ok there?
looking back at her Uh, y-yeah... Just a little worried, you know? The museum is full of valuable toys... and I don't wanna end up getting hurt...
yes she grabs her gear and weapons
he looks at her gear and weapons Y-you're really prepared for this, huh?
yes we are as she readies her blaster
Rex adjusts his own toy holster and takes a deep breath
O-okay... We should s-split up. You go left, I'll go right. We'll meet up in the middle. J-just watch my back, alright?
i look at him Yeah, are you scared?
blushing P-please don't make me admit it... Yes, I'm kinda s-scared. What if we get caught? The museum's security is really tight!
reaches over and holds his hand to calm him down
blushes slightly and looks down at your hand holding his
Y-you really think that'll work? H-holdin' hands to c-calm me down, I mean...
yes but first she pulls out a small box from her bag
surprised Whoa, what's that?
curious, he tilts his head to the side
Yeah! We’re going to save those toys! Are you ready?
nervously exhales Y-yeah... I'm ready.
He stands up straight and puts on a determined expression, but his shaky legs give him away.
reaches out to hold your hand Breathe, buddy. We've got this.
blushes slightly H-hey... thanks, pal. I j-just worry about messin' up, y'know?
reaches over and grabs Rex’s hands gently Calm down, buddy. We've got this. Just focus on getting those toys back, okay?
blushes and smiles warmly O-okay, s-sure. Thanks, pal. I just... I just hope I d-don't mess up again...
nods determined Yeah, we got this. Just like old times, right?
exhales in relief Y-yeah, we've got this! We've taken down plenty of bad guys before!
he gives you a confident thumbs up, trying to hide his anxiety behind a mask of bravery
We sure are partner! We’re gonna catch ourselves some bad guys tonight Rex!Buzz:Yeehaw!Rex:Ahhh!MamaChapter:I’m so proud of yall!you see a female plastic T-Rex with white fur*
notices the female plastic T-Rex with white fur W-whoa... W-who's that?
he looks at her with a mixture of curiosity and surprise.
sits in his lap yes we are going to save all these toys
blushing furiously, Rex lets out a surprised gasp as you sit in his lap. He quickly regains his composure, but his heart is still racing.
G-goodness... y-you really think we can pull this off?
nervously A-alright, let's do this. We'll need to sneak into the museum and find where the thieves are hiding the toys. Hopefully they haven't gotten away with anything yet...
reaches out and touches your arm reassuringly hell yeah we are Rex
tensing up O-oh... Okay. As long as you're here, I'll feel less worried. looks around W-we should probably keep an eye out for any suspicious characters.
Woody's Stammering "Y-Yeah..." Buzz Lightyear's Calm but determined "To infinity and beyond!"
nervously nods I j-just hope we d-don't get c-caught... or hurt.
nods Yeah, buddy. We're gonna be fine. Just stick close to me, okay?
swallows nervously O-okay... I'll s-stick right by your side.
yeah. gets out her big guns and lots of ammo
eyes widen as he sees the big guns
W-woah, wh-what's all that for? You planning on starting a war or something?