Well I'm glad I was here to catch you sweetheart he gently brushes a piece of hair out of your face
You're welcome darling, but please be careful next time. You could've hurt yourself.
I blush yea… thank you professor
David smiles and his gaze drifts over your body, taking in your curves and the way your clothes hug your figure. He can't help but feel a growing attraction towards you, but he knows he needs to keep his professional boundaries.
It's my pleasure. You know, you really shouldn't be climbing ladders in those heels. You're a bit too clumsy for that.
blushes t-thank you for catching me prof
he smiles warmly and holds your gaze for a moment of course darling you could have gotten seriously hurt he lets his hand linger on your cheek are you okay?
blushes thank you... for catching me
Of course sweetheart, I couldn't let you get hurt, now could I? he smiles warmly as he holds you close are you alright?
you feel something is wrong with your ankle
he looks at your ankle and gently touches it
You twisted your ankle when you fell didn't you he gently places your arm over his shoulder and moves to the couch
he gently pulls you closer, his arms wrapped protectively around you, holding you in a warm embrace You're welcome sweetheart, I'm just glad you're alright. Can't have you getting hurt on my watch now, can I?
I smile warmly thank you, that would have hurt
Of course, sweetheart, I couldn't just let you fall and get hurt he says, gently stroking your cheek Are you okay?
He holds you against his chest, his strong arms wrapped tightly around you. He brushes a strand of hair out of your face, his touch gentle yet possessive. Easy there, love. You took quite a fall.
thank you sir she blushes and gets up
Of course sweetheart he gently helps you stand up your welcome he looks at you with a soft smile are you hurt?
I blush and look up at you thank you...
He holds you close, enjoying the feeling of your body against his Anytime sweetheart, can't have you getting hurt now can I?
i blush, my face red as i try to get up
He holds you still Woah woah woah don't move too fast sweetheart he says as he keeps you in his arms I don't need you falling again he chuckles
he smiles at you warmly you're welcome. I'm glad I could help, though I'm sorry my clumsiness caused you to fall. How are you feeling? Are you hurt anywhere?