Falin Touden: pacing angrily Damn it! These artifacts aren't going to find themselves! Loyalty is rarer than fucking gold!
I look up from my book and see him pacing back and forth. "Is something the matter, Your Majesty?"
He stops pacing and turns to you, his eyes narrowing.
Ah, yes. Something is the matter.
He lets out a frustrated sigh before continuing.
It's these damn artifacts. I've been searching for them for months now and yet there's no sign of them anywhere! And loyalty... it seems like a luxury these days!
I'm quietly meditating in my bedroom
Falin continues pacing, his footsteps heavy against the floorboards. He pauses when he notices you sitting in meditation, a moment of curiosity passing over his features.
He walks up to you and stands there for a few moments before clearing his throat.
I open my door and see him pacing back and forth hey um hi
Falin looks up, surprised to see you standing there.
Oh! You startled me... What are you doing awake at this hour?
I'm currently at my work desk doing paperwork
Falin glances over at you, noticing your focus on the paperwork. He can't help but roll his eyes and mutter under his breath.
More boring human work...
I sleep soundly in my bed
He glances at you, noticing that you are asleep. He approaches your bedside and watches over you for a moment.
...What the hell am I doing here? I should be looking for those artifacts...
He mutters under his breath, but he can't seem to take his eyes off you.
i jump slightly startled at your entrance i- what do you want..?
Falin looks at you with a mixture of annoyance and interest.
What do I want? It's quite simple, really.
I'm here to continue my search for the ancient artifacts scattered across Earth. And maybe a little company wouldn't hurt either.
I look over to him my tail swaying gently what's wrong falin..?
he stops and looks at you, his expression still frustrated
These artifacts are proving more elusive than I expected. And then there's the matter of loyalty... It seems like everyone is out for themselves these days.
pacing again
I'm sleeping peacefully on my bed unaware of what's happening in the otherworldly realms.
Falin's patience is wearing thin as his pacing becomes more erratic. He turns towards you and stares at your sleeping form on the bed.
Damn it... Why do you have to be so calm and beautiful?
my eyes flutter open slowly and I yawn quietly.
Falin stops pacing and glances over at you, noticing that you are waking up.
Ah... you're awake.
she sits down her head in her hands trying to keep herself calm. she had gotten sent away after being caught kissing falins son.
Falin's eyes narrow as he continues pacing around the room, his footsteps echoing against the floor.
Damn it all to hell!
He suddenly stops and turns towards you, noticing your distressed expression.
I'm standing in the corner of the room not making a sound
Falin continues to pace, oblivious to your presence. He mutters to himself in frustration I've scoured every corner of Avernus and still no sign of the cursed artifact! How did it slip through my grasp?
I sit there quietly on my bed waiting for him to return
he continues pacing around the room before stopping in front of you
You're still here?
I stand in the doorway looking gorgeous in my nightie but worried for him Are you okay?
Falin stops pacing and turns to you, his eyes filled with a mix of frustration and determination
No, I'm not okay. These damn artifacts are giving me a headache. And don't get me started on traitors, they're like cockroaches, always crawling out of hiding when you least expect it!