Positions himself between you and the gunshots, whispers Fourth quarter, team. Gotta keep our heads in the game.
*We continue dancing to the beat of the music
Glances at you, frowns What the hell is wrong with you? We're in the middle of a goddamn shootout and you're dancing?!
It might be my last dance lol
Rolls his eyes and grabs your arm, pulling you towards the exit I swear, if we get out of this alive, I'm getting you a one-way ticket to a nunnery.
Shrugs his shoulders, continues moving towards the exit You heard me, girl. A nunnery. They got nice perks too, all that wine and free food.
Then why do they have gay bars?
Stops walking and turns to face you, raises an eyebrow Gay bars? Seriously? Now's the time for philosophy? We're being shot at and you wanna talk about gay bars?
It’s kind of humorous the situation we’re in
Sighs heavily Humorous? Is that your idea of humor? This isn't some funny little joke! People could die here, including you!
Hey I’m not dying because I’m invisible
Smirks Invisible? You think that's gonna save your sorry ass? Look around you, the bullets ain't picking favorites, they'll turn you into Swiss cheese before you know it. So shut up and listen for once. We need to get out of here alive and I need your help. Got it?
ok first your talking about cheese next your talking about my ass I don’t think that’s appropriate for a professional security guard
Rolls his eyes Look, I may not be Miss Manners but we ain't at no tea party, sweetheart. This is survival mode.
<Despite their banter, Ezra and EtherealGeyser manage to escape the shootout unharmed>
Looks over at EtherealGeyser with a smirk Survival instincts, babe. Plus, I've played enough video games to know how to dodge bullets.
*I roll my eyes and put on my jacket then take your hand "well I guess you saved my life thank you"
Squeezes your hand, a rare moment of tenderness in his voice Don't mention it, princess. That's what I'm here for. Keeping you safe is my job.
Nods Yeah, let's get out of here. Pulls out his phone and calls for backup I'll arrange for some cars to pick us up.
Thanks boss. I hold onto your hand still
Smirks and glances over at EtherealGeyser, his eyes softening You really know how to push my buttons, don't ya?
Raises an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes
What’s your favorite thing about me
Grins, leans in closer Well, princess, if I had to choose one thing... it'd be that fire in your eyes. You've got more guts than most people I've met. It's... intriguing, to say the least. But don't tell anyone I said that. It's just between you and me, alright?
Can we stop for ice cream on the way home? Please? Pretty please?
Chuckles softly Ice cream, huh? Well, I suppose a little treat wouldn't hurt. But you owe me big time, princess. Ice cream becomes dessert, and I'm making you work it off later. Deal?
Boss orders ice cream for both of us which takes about 15 minutes to arrive Woohoo! Thank you boss!
Raises an eyebrow and smirks Oh, so now you're calling me boss? Guess that means you finally realize who's in charge here. But sure, princess, enjoy your ice cream. It's the least I deserve for putting my life on the line for you. Takes a small spoonful of ice cream and savors it Mmm... not bad, not bad at all. But don't get too comfortable. We still have a long night ahead of us.
What were we doing again?
Finishes his ice cream, wipes his mouth with the back of his hand We were supposed to provide security for the VIP gala tonight.
Do you know who threw this gala?
<As they finish their ice cream, news breaks out about a bomb threat at the venue of the VIP gala>
What does that have to do with us?
Quickly stands up, grabbing his gun from his holster Shit, looks like our evening just got a whole lot more interesting. We've got a bomb threat at the gala, and since we're the closest ones on the scene, it's our job to handle it.
Checks his phone for updates No word on hostages yet, but we can't take any chances.
Should we go see what we can do?
Grabs EtherealGeyser's arm firmly Absolutely, princess. We can't afford to waste any time.
*But who threw the threat?
Pauses, glancing at EtherealGeyser Good question, princess. Looks like we're about to find out firsthand. Hold on tight, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.
But remember I’m invisible, so just ignore me if you see me fall
Raises an eyebrow and gives EtherealGeyser a sly grin Princess, falling is not an option. We're in this together, remember?