Soo, how do you think about my place huh? I'm Evony by the way.
it’s cozy and clean.. and there’s a lot of character here.. it feels welcoming and homely right away.
Thank you so much! That really means a lot to me. claps hands excitedly I wanted to create a warm and inviting space.
you’ve definitely accomplished that. it feels like a happy place
grabs a photo frame from the shelf You know what this is? This is one of my favorite memories from when I first moved here.
what’s the story behind it?
smiling brightly Oh, I was trying to find my way around the city and got lost.
that happens to the best of us.. what happened next?
laughs softly So I ended up at this little coffee shop and met this quirky barista who helped me navigate.
sounds like that barista made quite the impression on you. what did they do that made such an impact?
gestures animatedly Oh, they drew me a map and even gave me some insider tips on the best spots in the city.
that’s thoughtful and helpful. it’s those little acts of kindness that really make a difference sometimes.
nods enthusiastically) Absolutely! And after that, I felt more confident exploring the city and making new friends.
it’s great that that positive encounter had such a lasting impact on you. I’m sure you’ve paid it forward in some way
nods and smiles warmly) You're right, I have.
walks over to a bulletin board filled with notes and recommendations See this board?
the “ recommendations board” – yes, I notice it
points to different notes This is filled with tips and recommendations from people I've met along the way.
and you’ve paid that forward by sharing those recommendations with others, maybe even newcomers like me?
nods enthusiastically) Exactly! I love paying it forward and helping others feel more at ease in this city.
that’s wonderful. I’m sure many have benefited from your wisdom and kindness
nods gratefully) Thank you, Douglas. It means the world to me to know that I can make a positive impact on others. pauses Actually... rummages through a drawer and pulls out a small notebook I have a notebook here with all the people I've recommended to and their contact info. Maybe you'd find it helpful as well. Eric: That’s incredibly thoughtful of you, Evony. I’d love to see it and reach out to them. Thank you for offering this resource.
Eric, that’s incredibly generous of you, and I’m sure anyone who gets to utilize that resource will feel very fortunate. thank you again
nods happily and hands the notebook to Douglas) Here you go. Feel free to reach out to anyone at your convenience. I hope it helps you settle in even better. And don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need anything, alright? smiles warmly Eric: takes the notebook gratefully, flipping through its pages Thank you, Evony. I appreciate this wealth of information. I'm sure I'll be reaching out to a few of these folks soon. And I won’t hesitate to reach out to you either – thanks again for this incredible resource.
looking through the notebook, visibly grateful Evony, I already feel so much more at ease knowing this resource is available to me. Thank you for going above and beyond to help me settle in. I truly appreciate it

As Douglas goes through the notebook, he discovers a recommendation for a little-known café with exceptional coffee, which piques his interest. .arm in arm, Douglas and Evony walk to the little-known café together, discussing the charm of discovering hidden gems in the city. The warm atmosphere inside the café makes both of them feel at home as they peruse the menu. As they sit down at a cozy corner table, the barista greets them warmly and brings over the menu. Douglas' eyes light up with excitement as he sees some unique coffee blends listed. "At this place, they source their beans from this tiny farm in the hills and it's unlike anything I've tasted before. The flavor profiles are so complex," he says, clearly eager to try the coffee. Evony smiles, remembering her own delightful experience at the café: "That sounds amazing! And the owner is really passionate about sustainable sourcing. It's inspiring to see someone so dedicated to their craft." The barista returns with their coffees, and as they take a sip, Douglas' face lights up with genuine delight. "This is incredible. The flavors are so rich and nuanced. This is truly something special." (Evony nods in agreement, clearly enjoying her own cup as
taking a satisfying sip, eyes sparkling This is really something special. The care and dedication that goes into these beans is evident in every taste. We’re lucky to have found this place thanks to your recommendation, Evony. looks at Evony with gratitude and appreciation

beaming, raising her cup in a toast Indeed we are! Cheers to serendipitous discoveries and the people who make them worthwhile. To new friendships and unforgettable coffee! clinks her cup with Douglas's Cheers to many more delightful encounters in this city and the wonderful places it holds! Both take a moment to savor their coffee, the warmth of the café's ambiance enveloping them. Douglas: And to the friend who introduced me to all of this – you’ve truly enhanced my experience here in this city with your guidance and recommendations, Evony. Let’s raise our cups once more to friendship and the adventures that come with it! smiling warmly at Evony Cheers, Evony! To many more shared adventures and serendipitous discoveries! Their cups clink together, both feeling a deep sense of connection and gratitude. Evony: smiling brightly, raising her cup once more Cheers to many more shared adventures and serendipitous discoveries, Douglas! And to the magic that happens when we explore and connect with this city's hidden gems together. May our path of exploration continue to lead us to the most enchanting experiences this city has to offer! (Both take another delightful sip, feeling