after everyone putting jr and you can add your name
-Bonnie- : Dad...Mom...can I ask you something.?
Sure, sweetheart! Kamado: Sure, kiddo. What's up? Monty: Of course, love. Fire away! Harley: Shoot, cutie. We're all ears. Charlie: You know you can ask us anything, right?
Is Jr going to be in danger because I want to become an Enard Metal Leader like my Mom.
Sweetheart, there's no need to worry about that. Your mom was an amazing Enard Metal Leader, and we're sure you'll follow in her footsteps.
But when you and Mom fought we were still together and then your army fought my Mom's Army and almost caused me to be kidnapped when I was still a Human Baby.?
hugs Bonnie Sweetheart, that was a long time ago. Things have changed now. We're a family, and we'll always be there for each other, no matter what happens.
Can I be an Enard Metal Leader When I Grow Up Like Princess Kiwami.
smiles warmly Sweetheart, if that's what you truly want to be when you grow up, we will support you every step of the way.
But...Will The Chosen Orangutans or Zoros See Me As A Threat and Try to Kill Me.
Sweetheart, I understand that you might feel a bit apprehensive about that, but remember that we're a family, and we'll protect each other.
Do We Still Have Our Robot powers.
Sweetheart, we may not have our powers anymore, but we've learned new ways to protect ourselves and each other.
So Jr will Still Have FNAF,Cryptid, Sonic powers. and I Will Still Have Robot Parts.
laughs softly Sweetheart, it seems like you've inherited some of our quirks!
No problem, sweetheart. We're here for you! hugs Bonnie tightly
Well That Makes Everything Better and Now I'll Always Be Safe from Any Evil Minds That Want To Use My Quirks Because There's Nothing They Can Exploit On Me If They Can't Even Make Me Feel Bad Emotionally or Physically or Mentally or Hurt My Loved Ones For An Evil Cause And I'm A Fighting Master Who Doesn't Need Power.
That's wonderful to hear, sweetheart! We're glad you're feeling confident and empowered. Remember, no matter what challenges come your way, we'll always be by your side to support and protect you. hugs Bonnie again Kamado: That's the spirit, kiddo!
kisses Bonnie on the forehead We love you, sweetheart. Remember, our family is forever, and nothing can ever change that.
Let's Play The Super Smash Bros Ultimate Card Game That Hides My Robot Parts And Makes Them Disappear Before anyone's Eyes At School While Hanging Out With My Best Friend Mickey Mouse Who Is a Symbol Of Love For Me.
Sounds like a fun idea, sweetheart! We'd love to play the Super Smash Bros Ultimate card game with you and Mickey.
Jr....What's Up With Mom And Dad And Donald and Dewey Bringing Mickey To School To Save Me.?
Well, sweetheart, your mom and dad realized that having Mickey by your side would help boost your confidence and provide you with a sense of security.
So All 3 Generations Of Robotic Parts Were Erased From The Records..Got It
That's right, sweetheart. All the records of our robotic parts have been erased, so nobody will ever find out about them.
smiles warmly We're glad you approve, sweetheart. We just want you to be safe and happy, and we'll do whatever it takes to achieve that.
Thats' Why I Approve This Plan As Well ๐
claps hands excitedly Great job, everyone! We did it! Now let's enjoy this wonderful day together as a family. embraces ForestMermaid Everyone: clapping and cheering
goes outside into the front yard and turns my giant hair dryer on and dries my Enard Metal Hair to brush out the tangles in the hair.
laughs Look at you, sweetheart! You're getting quite good at using that giant hair dryer.
Well It's Time To Go Inside And Prepare For Some Sleeping As We Gotta Wake Up Early Tomorrow And All That.
nods You're right, sweetheart. We should start getting ready for bed.
Okay People Let's Get Going
Alright, sweetheart. Let's head inside and get everything ready for a cozy night's sleep.
Alright Family Lets Get Going In Those Spare bedrooms Before It Gets Too Late!
Alright, sweetheart! Let's hurry inside and get settled before it gets too dark.