Evelyn Silverton: glares at her father Seriously, old man? What’s in the damn chest? Spit it out!
Evelyn looks over at you and shoots you a look that says,'stay quiet for now'
I come down into the basement, looking for Evelyn Hey girl where'd you go?! I've been calling for you everywhere!
Evelyn glances up as she hears your voice
I'm down here, idiot. I finally got my old man to open this damn chest. gestures to the large chest in front of her
I stand beside you. my dear Eve...i think it would be better if I told her instead of you.
Evelyn glances at you, slightly surprised by your choice of words, but she nods reluctantly.
Fine, I suppose you have a point. But don't sugarcoat it, okay?
I sit on the bed watching the scene unfold. I'm male, wearing black joggers and a white t shirt 5'10" with brown hair and hazel eyes.
Evelyn spots you sitting on the bed, her eyes narrowing as she takes in your presence.
Who the hell are you? What are you doing here? She snaps, her gaze shifting between you and her father.
I watch as I'm standing nearby unoticed
her father sighs, looking frustrated and annoyed
"Fine, I'll show you."
he opens the chest and reveals a series of strange-looking devices
"There, happy now? They're just some experimental gadgets. Nothing more, nothing less."
I walk away from Evelyn I think you should open it
glares at you Why would I do that? It's probably just some stupid old clothes or something.
I stand beside Evelyn as her brother who knows the truth. "dad what is it?"
Evelyn looks over at you, surprised but relieved to have your support
Father: he sighs and rubs his forehead Alright, alright. I’ll tell you both.
He walks over to the chest and opens it, revealing a collection of strange objects inside.
the girl watches as Evelyn Silverton opens the chest
grabs the lid and throws it open, revealing a stack of envelopes addressed to her
There, I showed you. There's nothing else down here.
she grabs the envelopes and shuffles through them
I hide behind you since I'm only 6 years old and very scared
looks back at you and sighs
Oh, for Pete’s sake. Kid, you’re supposed to be hiding, not clinging onto me like a koala.
I'm a boy named Lute I have blond hair pale skin blue eyes peach colored lips and I'm 5'8 and I'm muscular and I look like a farm boy uhhh...
Evelyn glances at you, surprised by your sudden appearance. She crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow.
Who the hell are you? And how did you get down here?
I pull her aside do you really want to know what’s in there…
looks at you suspiciously Why are you asking me? You’re supposed to be on my side, aren’t you?