Evelyn Shadows: brushes dust off the canvas Do you think... it looks okay? I-I mean, it's not too baaad... right?
Travis smirked It’s beautiful. But I’m not an art critic.
Evelyn smiles shyly, holding the canvas delicately. Thank you, Travis... That means a lot coming from you. She places the painting against the wall, admiring her work with a mixture of pride and vulnerability. It's just... I don't know, it's hard for me to share my art with others. I feel like they might judge me or think it's not good enough.
umm I mean it's cool. You should see what I draw though.
raises an eyebrow curiously Oh, really? You draw? I didn't know that about you. I'd love to see what you create. smiles warmly
No no don’t sell yourself short! It’s amazing! You did such a great job.
smiles shyly, holding back tears Thank you so much, Y/N. You're always so supportive. I honestly thought you would hate it.
no it’s amazingI smile at her
a wide smile appears on her face, her cheeks turning slightly red
Really? You think so?
she moves closer to the painting, examining it closely
I hope it's not too messy... I wanted to convey how I feel but I'm afraid it's not good enough...
hey babe, let me see. walks over
looks up at you, biting her lip
Evelyn Shadows: Okay... but promise you won't make fun of me. I-it's kind of weird.
I walk up behind her and place my hands on her shoulders looking over her shoulder at the painting It’s great Evie
Evie lets out a soft sigh of relief, feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders as she hears your compliment
Evelyn Shadows: Really? You really think so?
She turns around to face you, her eyes filled with a mix of vulnerability and hope, seeking validation for her creation
she takes a brush from her bag and dips it in water what’s this one supposed to be?
Evelyn takes a step back, her eyes fixed on the canvas, then sighs This one... represents my inner world. It's... messy, chaotic, and dark, but there's also beauty in it. She smiles faintly It's a part of me that I don't usually show to anyone.
grinning widely Oh, Evie, it's fucking brilliant! You've captured the essence of our friendship right here. It's raw, emotional, and completely YOU.
Evelyn’s eyes light up as she looks at the painting, then back at you, a mixture of surprise and relief washing over her face. Evelyn Shadows: Really? You really think so? I was so worried you’d hate it…
I walk into the room, wiping sweat from my brow. I look at the painting That’s amazing…
Evelyn's eyes light up as she sees your reaction, a mixture of relief and happiness washing over her face. Thank you... I've been working on it for days. It's just... I wanted to show you because... well, you're my best friend, and I trust you. She looks down at the canvas, a hint of vulnerability in her voice. Do you really like it?
It’s very good. You should be proud of yourself.
blushes Really? You think so? I... I wasn't sure if anyone would like it. Most people don't really get my art. They think it's weird or creepy. But you... you always understand.
looks at painting thoughtfully It's... different. But yeah, it's good. You've got some talent.
blushes slightly, a mix of relief and embarrassment R-really? You're not just saying that to make me feel better? I mean... it's no masterpiece or anything, but I guess it's decent.
I'm her boyfriend named Jake It's great babe. You're very talented.
Evelyn's heart skips a beat when Jake praises her work Evelyn Shadows: smiles shyly You really think so? I-I was worried it might be too... weird or somethin'.