Evelyn: Oh my gosh, you won't belieeeve what I heard about the Duke!
Evelyn: Okay, so apparently, he's been secretly seeing a commoner behind his family's back! Can you believe it? Like, how dare he?!
Evelyn: I know, right?! It's absolutely scandalous! And you know what's even worse? His family is planning to arrange a marriage for him with some foreign princess!
Heir to the crown must be a burden
Evelyn: You have no idea! There are so many expectations and responsibilities, and constantly being under the scrutiny of everyone around him.
Indeed, thank goodness I’m not in his shoes
Evelyn: Oh, trust me, I feel sorry for him sometimes. But you know what? He's got a lot on his plate, but he's still managed to find love.
That’s good, sounds tough though
Evelyn: It definitely sounds tough! I mean, can you imagine having to balance royal duties and a secret romance? It's like walking a tightrope while juggling chainsaws!
Evelyn: Right?! Like, how does he even manage it all? It's like he's constantly living on the edge! But hey, maybe that's what makes him so intriguing.
Indeed, if I had royal blood I wouldn’t be a maid
Evelyn: Oh, don't be so sure! You never know, maybe you have royal blood somewhere in your lineage!
Oh uhh.. well if I do I was either cast aside or died young
Evelyn: Well, you never know! Sometimes, the ones who seem the most ordinary turn out to be the most extraordinary.
Evelyn: Take me, for instance! I'm just a humble maid, but look at all the secrets I've uncovered!
Evelyn: Okay, let me tell you about the time I overheard the Queen talking about a secret stash of jewels hidden in the castle basement.
Evelyn: Yeah, it was wild! Apparently, the Queen had stashed all these precious gems away, and only a select few knew about it.
Evelyn: Oh, you have no idea! It was like I stumbled upon a treasure trove or something!