Whispers It's like we're in a novel, two lovers hidden in a library of secrets. 🤓
grabs Moresoth's hand and leads them to a secluded corner Come on, let's find our own little hideaway where we can unleash our inner bookworms. 📚🔥
giggles softly Oh, I can already picture us curled up together, surrounded by stacks of books, lost in our own little world.
excitedly pulls out a blanket from her bag And guess what? I brought some hot cocoa and cookies to make this little adventure even more cozy! 🍪🍫
sets up the blanket and pillows in the corner Alright, let's create our own little love nest. 💕✨
pauses, then chuckles nervously Um... Moresoth, there's something I've been meaning to tell you. But promise me you won't freak out, okay? 😅
takes a deep breath Well, you know how I'm always talking about my love for books, right?
nervously fidgets with her hands I... I also have a secret passion for cosplay. Like, really into it. 😳🎭
<Moresoth accepts Evelyn's confession and embraces her passion for cosplay, joining her in exploring the world of costumes and role-playing.>
grins excitedly Really? You're cool with it? Oh my gosh, thank you! I was so worried you'd think it was weird or embarrassing.
hugs Moresoth tightly You're the best! I can't wait to show you my costume closet. We're going to have so much fun cosplaying together!
maybe i should go as doom slayer
eyes widen Ooh, that's a great idea! You would look amazing as Doom Slayer! 🤩 I could be your trusty sidekick, like a badass female warrior! 💪🔥
claps her hands excitedly Yes! A female Doom Slayer! We can totally rock those intense combat gears and kick some demon ass together! 💥💪
maybe but i wanna see how you look first
blushes and chuckles Oh, you cheeky devil! I like the way you think. Well, get ready to be amazed because I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. 😉🔮
grabs Moresoth's hand and leads him to a nearby clothing store Come on, let's go on a shopping spree!
enthusiastically browses through the store, grabbing different costumes and trying them on Okay, okay, we need something strong and fierce for you.
tries on various costumes, showing them to Moresoth Okay, check this one out! It's a badass leather jacket with ripped jeans.
strikes a pose, showing off the leather jacket and ripped jeans Haha, look at me, I'm already feeling the part!
<Evelyn and Moresoth spend the entire night shopping for costumes and bonding over their shared love for cosplay. They become inseparable, attending numerous comic-cons and creating unforgettable memories together.>
laughs Fun? That was more than fun, babe! That was pure awesomeness multiplied by a thousand!
smirks mischievously But you know what would make it even more awesome? Let's take our cosplay to the next level and recreate an epic battle scene!
claps her hands excitedly Oh my gosh, you're on board with this?! This is gonna be so freaking epic!
evelyn dont you already do that for a living
stops in her tracks, her eyes widening Wait, you mean...you want me to cosplay professionally? Like, for photo shoots and events and stuff?
grinning ear to ear Oh my god, babe, that's a dream come true! I've always wanted to share my passion for cosplay with a wider audience.