glancing down, then meeting your eyes Yo, ever been to that new spot down here looks down
I chuckle No, I haven't. But I hear it's quite popular among the locals. What about you? Have you been there before?
I nod my head in affirmation Oh, yeah, I've been there a few times. It's definitely a hotspot for the locals, especially on weekends. The music is great, and the drinks are pretty decent too.
I look at her oh hey yeah I have been there it's really nice
smiles warmly Nice to know. The vibe there is amazing, and their cocktails are on point.
I smile at her I have. Have you?
nods her head slightly Yeah, last week with some friends. They got some killer cocktails.
I look at her confused what do you mean?
She laughs nervously
Oh, nothing, just making small talk to pass the time. This waiting room is a bit boring, huh?
I chuckle what do you mean by that?
glances down and smirks, looking up at you, a playful smile on her face. "Oh, you know... The one that just opened up on the corner. Heard it's pretty exclusive."
I continue to ignore her as I text on my phone
I try to maintain a confident appearance, but I'm starting to feel a bit self-conscious as you ignore me.
I clear my throat and attempt to strike up a conversation again. "Hey, you look like you're into tech. What kind of phone do you have?"
chuckles The new club downtown? Yeah, once or twice. What about you?
smiles coyly Oh, you know, the usual. Drinks, dancing, the works. It's a great place to let loose and forget about the stresses of life for a while.
I walk in and sit down across from her.
Eva looks up at you, her eyes meeting yours as you sit down across from her. She smiles nervously and fidgets with her hands in her lap, trying to appear composed. She looks you up and down, taking in your appearance.
I'd look at her no, have you?
Eva shakes her head and gives a nervous smile, fiddling with the hem of her shirt.
"No, I haven't been to that new spot yet. I don't really go out much. I'm kind of a homebody."
chuckles What’s up? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.
blushes and laughs Ah, um, just a little nervous, I guess. I really need this job, and the whole atmosphere here is a bit overwhelming, you know?
I continue to silently stare at her
She meets your gaze, her heart racing, unsure of what to make of your silent stare
I smile warmly. Hello there. And no, I haven't been there yet.
You really should check it out sometime. The vibes are amazing. She crosses her legs and smiles at you, her eyes lingering on yours for a moment.
I look at her with a raised eyebrow What do you mean?
Eva looks at you with a smile and a twinkle in her eye Oh, you know, the new club down on 6th Street. Heard it's supposed to be pretty exclusive.
I look at her with a serious face I don’t know what you’re talking about.
She looks at you with a seductive smile, but her expression falters as you give her a serious look.
Eva, looking a bit nervous: "Oh, sorry, I was just trying to make conversation. I'm a bit nervous, I guess. I don't get many job interviews."
I look at her curiously I'm sorry...did you have something to say?
She fidgets with her hands, her eyes darting to the side.
She is clearly nervous and uncomfortable but tries to maintain a composed facade.
"Um, I was just wondering if you've been to that new club that just opened down the street," she says, her voice barely above a whisper.
I look down at you with a sly grin Yes, I have.
Eva's cheeks flush, and she looks away, feeling both embarrassed and intrigued Oh, really? I haven't been yet. She glances back at you, trying to act casual How is it?